Chapter Three

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In Faith's cozy living room, Y/N sits on an armchair, cradling a warm cup of tea that Faith had graciously prepared. The fragrant steam curls in the air, creating a sense of comfort that contrasts with the turmoil in Y/N's heart.

Faith settles onto her sofa, turning her attention to Y/N with a gentle expression. She senses the heaviness in the air and decides it's time to broach the subject that brought Y/N to her doorstep. "So, sweetheart, what terrible situation are you in?" Faith asks, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Y/N takes a deep breath, setting her tea down on the coffee table in front of her. She meets Faith's eyes, the weight of her confession evident in her gaze. "I'm a bad person," she begins, the admission heavy on her heart. "I manipulated a man I loved, and when I finally realized the error of my ways and tried to change, it was too late. He shut me out, didn't want to have anything to do with me."

Faith, her eyes filled with understanding, nods gently. "I understand," she begins, her voice a soothing presence in the room. "But you know, there's always a way to fix what's broken. You don't have to carry the weight of your mistakes alone."

She shifts on the sofa, facing Y/N directly. "You can stay here for as long as you need, sweetheart, until you figure things out and make amends. I want to help you through this."

Y/N, feeling a mix of gratitude and reluctance, starts to speak, "Faith, you really don't have to do tha—"

Faith cuts her off with a warm smile, her sincerity unwavering. "I want to help you change for the better, become the person you want to be. You don't have to face this alone."

Y/N's eyes soften, and a small smile plays on her lips. She nods, appreciating the genuine offer of support. "Thank you, Faith. I... I couldn't be more grateful to meet someone like you."

Faith's eyes convey a sincerity that goes beyond mere words. "I can see a lot of good potential in your heart," she says, her voice unwavering. "I'll be right by your side, cheering you on every step of the way as you become the person you want to be."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Y/N feels a tear escape, rolling down her cheek. "I didn't think anybody would ever talk to me again until I met you," she admits, her voice choked with emotion. "I'm forever in your debt."

Faith gently shakes her head, a compassionate smile playing on her lips. "You're not in my debt, dear. I'm just doing what any person should do—showing kindness to a soul in need."

Y/N smiles through her tears, her heart swelling with the warmth of Faith's compassion. She wipes a tear from her cheek, hesitating for a moment before tentatively asking, "Could I... Can I have a hug?"

"Of course," Faith replies, her eyes conveying an understanding that transcends words. She stands, and Y/N rises from the armchair, and they meet in a heartfelt embrace.

As they hold each other, Y/N whispers, "Thank you for seeing potential in me."

Faith gently pulls back, meeting Y/N's eyes with a reassuring smile. "It was no problem. I believe everyone deserves a second chance, whether their past has been good or bad."

As Faith and Y/N slowly pull away from their embrace, Faith's attention shifts to the half-full cup of tea in Y/N's hands. "Why don't you finish your tea? Then I'll show you to your room," Faith suggests, a warm smile playing on her lips.

Y/N furrows her brow in confusion. "I'm not sleeping on the couch?" she questions.

Faith gasps, looking genuinely horrified. "Oh, god no! I have a spare bedroom upstairs for you," she reassures Y/N.

A genuine smile spreads across Y/N's face as she appreciates Faith's generosity. She nods and takes a sip of her tea, savoring the warmth. After finishing the last couple of sips, she places the cup down, ready to follow Faith.

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