Chapter Eight

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After hanging up the last shirt in the closet, Y/N and Faith step back to admire the room. The sense of accomplishment fills the air as they see the result of their hard work in organizing all of Y/N's belongings. A satisfied smile forms on both of their faces. Y/N expresses her admiration, "It looks great!" Faith chuckles and crosses her arms, responding, "We make a pretty good team." Y/N giggles and takes another glance around the organized room, stating, "The best team."

Faith turns to Y/N with a smile and suggests, "So how about we go out and get some lunch and then go shopping?" Y/N responds with a cheerful smile, "Yes, of course! I'm starving!" They both share a laugh and exit the bedroom, heading downstairs. In the living room, Y/N opens the closet by the door, grabbing her coat and handing Faith hers. Coats on, they both head towards the front door. Faith unlocks the door, and they step out into the fresh air.

Y/N walks to the car, and as Faith locks her front door, Y/N opens the car door and settles into the passenger seat. Faith joins her, getting into the driver's seat and shutting her door.

Faith pulls out of her driveway, and the car glides smoothly onto the road, navigating through the bustling city. Y/N gazes out the window, watching the various shops and people passing by. The cityscape is alive with activity, and Y/N's eyes catch the display of a beautiful wedding dress store. The sight triggers a contemplative remark from her.

"I always thought that marriage was dumb," Y/N says, her gaze still fixed on the passing scenery. Faith glances at Y/N with a hint of confusion, then focuses back on the road. "Why do you think that?" she asks. Y/N shrugs, "I just never thought that I would ever make it through one, you know? Spending the rest of your life with one man. No freedom."

Faith kisses her teeth at Y/N's perspective and offers her own insight, "It all depends on the person you marry. You could have freedom in a relationship, Y/N." Y/N turns to Faith, eyebrows raised, a subtle curiosity in her eyes.

Faith nods as she waits at the red light, understanding Y/N's perspective. Y/N sighs and admits, "I guess I never thought about it that way." Faith replies, "It's all about the personality of the person too. Some people do like to control others." Y/N acknowledges this truth, saying, "I know all about that..." Faith reassures her, "Hey, you're changing. You aren't like that anymore."

Y/N nods but still feels the weight of her past actions. She admits, "It doesn't change the fact that I used to be like that, though." Faith glances at Y/N, noticing the struggle within her. However, she encourages her to focus on the positive, saying, "Don't beat yourself up. You're a new person now. Let's have a happy day, yeah?" Y/N sighs but eventually nods, agreeing to embrace the present. The car continues on its journey through the city, the atmosphere quiet as Y/N gazes out the window, contemplating the road ahead, and Faith focuses on the traffic.

With Sloane and Lila

The bell jingles as Sloane and Lila enter the wedding dress store, and the door softly shuts behind them. The atmosphere is filled with an air of elegance, and the store is adorned with numerous exquisite wedding dresses. Sloane's eyes light up with excitement as she takes in the sight of the beautiful gowns on display. Lila glances around, appreciating the intricate designs and varying styles of the dresses.

Sloane turns to Lila with a grin and suggests, "Let's start looking for the perfect dress." Lila nods in agreement, and they begin to explore the store, examining the different dresses that catch their eye. The racks are filled with various silhouettes, fabrics, and details, providing a wide range of options. The store's ambiance, coupled with the anticipation of finding the ideal wedding dress, fills the air with a sense of joy and anticipation.

Lila and Sloane continue to browse through the assortment of wedding dresses, taking in the various styles and details. After a few minutes of exploration, Lila excitedly calls Sloane over to a specific dress on display. The off-the-shoulder gown is adorned with intricate designs and details, showcasing a touch of elegance. Lila asks, "What do you think of this one?"

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