Chapter Seven

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The morning sun gently filters through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room as Y/N slowly wakes up. She opens her eyes, feeling the softness of the covers beneath her. With a languid stretch, she arches her back, reveling in the comfort of the bed. Y/N yawns, letting out the remnants of a restful sleep, and takes a moment to appreciate the peace that has settled upon her.

Y/N sits up in her bed, feeling the comforting embrace of the blankets around her. With a tired stretch, she extends her arms overhead, yawning softly as she welcomes the new day. The room is filled with a serene atmosphere, a stark contrast to the tumultuous events that led her here. As she stands up and places her feet on the floor, the echoes of footsteps approaching her bedroom door catch her attention. Y/N turns towards the door, curious about the source of the sounds, wondering if it's Faith.

Faith opens the door with a warm smile, stepping into Y/N's room. "Good morning!" she greets, her eyes reflecting genuine friendliness. Y/N reciprocates the greeting with a smile of her own. "Morning, Faith," Y/N says, appreciating the positive energy that Faith brings into the room. The anticipation from earlier is replaced with a sense of camaraderie, and Y/N is grateful for Faith's support.

Faith, still smiling, shifts the conversation. "Ready to go through these bags and sort out your stuff?" she asks. Y/N nods in agreement, "Absolutely." The two women approach the bags on the floor, each grabbing one to inspect its contents.

With Lila and Diego

In the hotel room, Diego stands in front of a mirror, frustrated as he tries on yet another button-up shirt. The shirts lay scattered on the bed, evidence of his struggle to find the perfect one. He grunts in frustration, dissatisfaction evident on his face. Lila, lying on the bed, looks over at Diego with an amused expression. "Diego, this is the 7th shirt you've tried on! Just wear it!" she suggests with a chuckle. Diego glances at her through the mirror, his annoyance palpable. He sighs and retorts, "The shirt needs to look nice; it's for Luther's wedding!"

Rolling her eyes at Diego's perfectionism, Lila sits up on the bed, watching him with a mixture of amusement and mild exasperation.

Lila's patience wears thin as Diego continues to fuss over his shirt choices. Frustration building up, she finally issues a threat, "Diego, if you don't wear that damn shirt, I'll shred it and shove it down your throat." Diego turns around, his expression a mix of surprise and apprehension. He attempts to defend himself with a feeble excuse, insisting, "But it doesn't look good!"

Letting out an exasperated noise, Lila rises from the bed and strides over to Diego, her determination evident. Cornering him against the mirror, she jabs her finger into his chest and asserts, "It looks fine, Diego! Wear the damn shirt!" Diego, slightly taken aback by her forceful approach, scoffs and begins to protest, "But—". However, Lila cuts him off, sternly stating, "No buts! You will wear this shirt to Luther's wedding tomorrow!" Diego rolls his eyes in resignation but concedes with a defeated, "Fine."

Lila's victory smile widens as she pecks Diego's cheek, satisfied with the resolution. "Good," she declares before gracefully walking back to the bed. Collecting the scattered shirts, she tosses them towards Diego, instructing him, "Now, put these shirts back." Diego manages to catch only half of the shirts, expressing his annoyance with a huff and a roll of his eyes. Reluctantly, he picks up the remaining shirts scattered on the floor and heads towards the closet, opening the doors to hang them back up.

As Diego deals with his shirts, Lila hops back onto the bed, visibly pleased with the outcome. She relaxes, lounging comfortably. However, their brief moment of peace is interrupted by a knock at the door, prompting both of them to shift their attention.

As Diego and Lila exchange a puzzled look, Diego takes the initiative and heads to the door. Upon opening it, he finds Sloane standing in the hallway. Confusion clouds Diego's expression as he asks, "Sloane? Do you need something?" Sloane responds with a smile, her eyes darting past Diego to focus on Lila. She then explains, "I was hoping I could borrow Lila for the day? If that's okay with you both, of course." Nervousness tints Sloane's smile.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lila springs off the bed and rushes to the door. Eagerly, she declares, "I'll do anything, just as long as we can get out of this shitty hotel." Although Diego secretly wished for Lila to stay, he concedes, saying, "Yeah, fine with me." Sloane seizes the opportunity, grabbing Lila's arm and pulling her out of the room and into the hallway. Before disappearing, Sloane assures Diego, "We won't be long," leaving Diego alone in the hotel room.

Sloane and Lila descend the steps, their laughter echoing through the lobby as they navigate their way to the hotel's entrance. Lila, bubbling with excitement, curiously asks Sloane, "So, where are we going?" Sloane grins, turning to her companion, and reveals, "Wedding dress shopping!" Lila's eyes light up with a sense of honor, realizing she's been chosen to assist Sloane in such a significant task. "Really?! Aw man, this is gonna be great!" Lila exclaims, beaming with excitement. As they continue their journey, lost in their joyful conversation, they inadvertently collide with someone, causing them to stumble backward. They quickly focus on the person in front of them, and to their surprise, it's Five. He sternly warns, "Hey! Watch where the hell you're going!" After a moment, he recognizes Sloane and Lila, his eyes widening. He quickly corrects himself, "Oh, sorry. I didn't know it was you both." Sloane smiles and nods, responding, "It's all good."

Five watches as Lila and Sloane continue their journey to wedding dress shopping. Intrigued, he asks, "Where are you both going?" Lila happily reveals, "Wedding dress shopping," accompanied by a bright smile. Five nods approvingly, a hint of a smile on his face. He offers his good wishes, saying, "I hope you find the right one," specifically addressing Sloane. As he walks past them, Lila and Sloane exchange shrugs, unfazed by the brief encounter. Together, they make their way to the exit of the hotel and step out onto the street, ready for their day of wedding dress shopping.

Word count: 1089

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