Chapter Two

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In the hotel the soft glow of the bedside lamp barely illuminates the room as Five stands before the bathroom mirror, his eyes reflecting a mixture of weariness and introspection. The events of the past echo in his mind, the pain still fresh.

Five's gaze meets his own reflection, and for a moment, he studies the face that has witnessed decades of both triumph and betrayal. The harsh truth stares back at him—the person he once trusted with his heart had manipulated him in the cruelest of ways.

A heavy sigh escapes him as he leans against the bathroom sink, fingers gripping the edge. The room is filled with a quiet tension as Five contemplates the depths of Y/N's betrayal. His thoughts, like a turbulent storm, swirl with emotions—anger, hurt, and a lingering sense of disbelief.

A bitter chuckle escapes Five's lips, the sound carrying a tinge of irony. "That's the last time I ever make the mistake of trusting a woman I fell in love with," he mutters to himself, the words resonating in the confined space of the bathroom. The echo of his own voice seems to emphasize the gravity of the decision he's made.

In that solitary moment, the resolve hardens in Five's eyes. The wounds inflicted by Y/N's deception may still be raw, but the Hargreeves sibling, known for his resilience and determination, decides to shield his heart from further pain.

Five's gaze lingers on the reflection in the mirror, the stark reality of Y/N's betrayal etched into his features. Anger simmers beneath the surface as he envisions her, the memory of her deceit fueling the fire within him. His jaw clenches, muscles tensing with the weight of unspoken frustration.

In the silence of the hotel bathroom, Five mutters to himself, the words carrying a venomous edge. "She was one fake bitch, alright," he seethes, the bitterness palpable in his tone. The image of her duplicity fuels the ember of resentment within him.

A bitter laugh escapes Five as he considers the audacity of her actions. "Breaking my heart?" he scoffs, the sound echoing through the confined space. The mere thought of her attempting to toy with his emotions elicits a sarcastic response. "She can go find another man to fuck with."

Five's eyes lock onto his own reflection, staring into the depths that betray the storm of emotions raging within him. The mirror becomes a canvas for his internal struggle, and for a fleeting moment, vulnerability flickers in his eyes.

As his gaze intensifies, Five sees the reflection of his own broken heart. A sudden surge of emotion pierces through his stoic facade, his eyes betraying the pain he refuses to verbalize. A tear escapes, unnoticed, and rolls down his cheek.

He catches sight of the tear, a subtle betrayal of the turmoil within. Swiftly, Five wipes it away, as if erasing any trace of vulnerability.

Five's internal struggle intensifies, the realization of the depth of his feelings for Y/N gnawing at him like a relentless storm. Anger boils within him, a volatile mix of frustration and betrayal. The room feels oppressive, and a guttural yell of frustration escapes Five's lips.

Unable to contain his mounting rage, Five lashes out, his fist colliding with the bathroom mirror. The impact shatters the reflective surface into countless shards, the sound echoing through the room like a symphony of destruction. The fractured pieces cascade to the floor, leaving behind a chaotic mosaic of broken glass.

A sharp gasp escapes Five as he stares at the aftermath of his own fury. The shards on the floor mirror the shattered fragments of his heart. His breaths come in ragged intervals as he surveys the wreckage, realizing the extent of the turmoil within.

"I fucking trusted her," Five mutters, his voice cracked with sadness. The weight of betrayal hangs heavy in the air, and the broken mirror becomes a poignant metaphor for the shattered trust that once bound him to Y/N.

Faced with the consequences of his impulsive rage, Five drops to his knees amidst the shards of glass. The fragmented pieces mirror the complexity of his emotions. He picks up a shard, the sharp edges contrasting with the vulnerability etched on his face.

Gazing at himself through the jagged piece of glass, Five confronts the fractured image of a man who had once believed in the possibility of love and trust. The reflection is distorted, much like the reality of the situation. A profound sadness lingers in his eyes, and a solitary tear traces a path down his cheek.

"Why did she have to turn out this way?" Five's voice echoes in the shattered bathroom, the question laden with anguish. The fragments of the broken mirror offer no answers, only a distorted reflection of the pain etched on his face.

His sigh resonates with the weight of unanswered questions, the room absorbing the heaviness of his emotions. "Why couldn't she love me without breaking my heart into pieces?" Five utters the words as if hoping for a revelation that would make sense of the shattered trust and fractured love.

A couple of tears escape Five's eyes, tracing a path down his cheeks. He makes no attempt to wipe them away, letting the rawness of his emotions linger in the quiet aftermath. The unshed tears glisten like liquid diamonds, a silent testament to the vulnerability he seldom allows others to witness.

The shard of glass slips from his grip, falling back to join its fractured counterparts on the floor. In the silence that follows, Five stands up slowly, his movements carrying the weight of resignation. The broken pieces around him serve as a stark reminder of a love that proved fragile and elusive.

Word count: 962

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