Chapter Five

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Back in the hotel, Five is alone in his room. He stands in front of a mirror hung on the wall, adjusting the sleeves of his suit with a smirk. "Definitely an upgrade from the uniform," he mutters to himself. Five admires his new look for a few more seconds before sighing and walking over to his bed.

As he sits on the bed, Five checks the time on his watch. The digits read 5:40 pm. Despite the relatively early hour, Five feels a deep sense of exhaustion. Ever since yesterday, he has seemed more drained and tired than usual. No matter what he does, he can't shake Y/N from his mind.

Five lies on his back, turning his gaze toward the ceiling. His mind becomes a canvas for thoughts, and amidst the swirl of memories, Y/N takes center stage. He thinks of the softness of her hair, the way it felt against his fingertips. The memory of her eyes comes next, captivating and full of depth – eyes he could lose himself in for hours. His thoughts wander to her body, the curves he once knew so intimately, a longing to touch them again lingering in his mind.

Unwilling to admit it, Five acknowledges the void Y/N's absence has left. He misses her, more than he cares to admit.

"I need to rest my mind," Five mutters to himself. He adjusts himself on the bed, laying his head on a pillow. His face now faces the wall in front of him, the weariness evident in his stare. Closing his eyes, Five puts his hand under the pillow for added comfort, attempting to find solace in the embrace of sleep.

With Y/N and Faith

Faith is still driving while Y/N quickly picks up her phone to send a message to Tod. In the message, she informs him that she's coming to pick up her belongings and will be leaving right away. Y/N puts her phone back in its place so Faith can see the GPS.

A few minutes later, the car pulls into Tod's driveway. Faith steers the vehicle to a stop, and both women sit in a momentary silence.

Faith speaks up, breaking the silence. "Do you want to go in alone, or...?" she trails off, leaving the decision in Y/N's hands.

Y/N looks at Faith and replies, "I'm fine. You can stay in the car." Faith nods, a sigh escaping her as she braces herself for the wait.

Y/N sighs as well, gathering her resolve. She opens the car door and steps out. Before closing the door, she looks at Faith and assures her, "I won't be long." With that, Y/N closes the car door, leaving Faith alone in the vehicle

Y/N takes slow and deliberate steps towards Tod's doorstep, each footfall echoing with the weight of anticipation. Standing before the door, she takes a moment to collect herself, contemplating the unknown that awaits on the other side. Glancing back at the car, she finds Faith offering a reassuring thumbs up and a supportive smile. Y/N returns a slight smile and turns back to face the door.

With a deep breath, she raises her hand and knocks on the door. The sound echoes in the stillness of the moment, and as Y/N stands there, her mind spins with thoughts of what could unfold in the next few minutes.

As Y/N stands at Tod's doorstep, the sound of her knock echoing through the silence, she hears approaching footsteps from within. A figure materializes behind the glass of the window beside the door. The door creaks open slowly, revealing Tod's face. Shock registers on his features as he takes in the unexpected sight of Y/N standing before him.

The air is charged with tension as their eyes meet, and Y/N is met with the evident surprise on Tod's face.

Tod crosses his arms, his face contorting into annoyance as he eyes Y/N standing at his doorstep. He bluntly asks, "What do you want?"

Y/N sighs, feeling a mixture of frustration and resignation. "I messaged you about coming to pick up my stuff," she explains.

Tod's annoyance deepens as he retorts, "Blocked your number. Didn't get the message."

𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora