Chapter Eleven

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Y/N slowly opens her eyes, greeted by the gentle morning light filtering through the curtains. Stretching her limbs, she revels in the warmth of her comfortable bed. A contented smile graces her lips as she recalls the events of the previous day, from arranging her new room with Faith to the exhilarating dress shopping adventure. The positive vibes linger, filling her with a newfound sense of happiness and anticipation.

As she sits up in bed, Y/N takes a moment to appreciate the organized and cozy atmosphere of her room. The excitement for the upcoming wedding and the camaraderie with Faith and others fuel her spirits. Y/N can't help but feel grateful for the new connections she's forming and the fresh start she's been granted.

Y/N slips on her cozy slippers, the soft fabric comforting her feet, as she meanders towards the door. Opening it gently, she steps into the hallway, the scent of fresh morning air wafting through her senses. A yawn escapes her lips, signifying the gradual awakening of her body. Checking her phone for the time, she notices it's 10:00 am. Determined to make the most of the day, she starts her descent downstairs.

As she reaches the bottom step, the tantalizing aroma of something delicious permeates the air. The enticing scent draws her closer to the kitchen, her anticipation growing. Y/N enters the warm and inviting space, discovering Faith at the stove, focused on the culinary creation before her. A smile graces Y/N's face as she appreciates the domestic scene, grateful for the newfound sense of home that is slowly settling in.

"Good morning," Y/N chimes in, her voice carrying a note of appreciation. Faith turns around with a welcoming grin, acknowledging her presence.

Faith's smile radiates warmth as she responds, "Good morning indeed!" The shared laughter between them creates a cozy atmosphere. Y/N settles onto a seat at the island counter, curious about Faith's culinary endeavors. With a friendly smile, she inquires, "What ya cooking?" Faith, still focused on the sizzling delights on the stove, replies, "Just some eggs, bacon, and sausage. You don't have any allergies, right?" There's a hint of concern in Faith's voice, emphasizing her care for Y/N's well-being.

Y/N shakes her head, reassuring Faith, "No allergies here. Everything sounds delicious!" The savory aroma of breakfast fills the air, further igniting Y/N's appetite.

Faith's smile grows wider at Y/N's reassurance about allergies. As the final touches are put on the breakfast, Faith plates the delicious-looking meal and places the first one in front of Y/N with a friendly smile. Y/N, momentarily distracted by her phone, puts it down and accepts the fork Faith hands her.

As Faith takes her own plate and sits beside Y/N, the two prepare to enjoy their morning meal. Just before the first bite, Faith excitedly shares, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, we're going to the wedding an hour before it starts. We'll help decorate the dance hall and tables." Y/N raises her eyebrows, responding with curiosity, "Oh okay, so when will we be leaving the house?" Faith takes a quick bite, and after chewing, she answers, "We'll leave around 4:50 pm and arrive at the wedding at 5:00 pm. The actual ceremony won't start until 6:00 pm."

Y/N eagerly takes a bite of her breakfast and nods, "Sounds good! I can't wait to see how everything turns out. Weddings are always so magical."

Faith, sharing in Y/N's excitement, grins, "Right? It's like stepping into a fairy tale. And Sloane deserves all the happiness in the world. Luther is a lucky guy."

Y/N, curious, raises an eyebrow, "Luther? That's the groom's name?"

Faith chuckles, "Yeah, Luther. Big guy, sweetheart. He and Sloane are a perfect match."

As Y/N hears the name Luther, a subtle flicker of recognition crosses her face. She suddenly recalls that Luther is one of Five's brothers, and a hint of worry creeps into her thoughts. She wonders if it's just a coincidence or if this Luther is the same person she knows from Five's tumultuous family.

Trying to shake off the uneasy feeling, Y/N forces a smile and says, "Luther, huh? Interesting name. I'm sure he's a great guy."

Faith, sensing a shift in Y/N's demeanor, furrows her brows slightly, "Everything okay?"

Y/N quickly nods, "Yeah, just thinking about someone I used to know with the same name. Small world, you know?"

Faith accepts the explanation with a nod, not pressing further. However, a subtle concern lingers in Y/N's mind as she wonders if Luther from the wedding is connected to Five's dysfunctional family.

Y/N lets out a sigh, deciding to set aside the thoughts about Luther for the moment. She resumes eating her breakfast, trying to focus on the delicious food Faith prepared.

At the hotel

As Luther passionately belts out the lyrics to "Total Eclipse of the Heart," his brothers lounge around the room, each displaying a varying degree of enthusiasm. Diego reclines on one of the chairs, his arms crossed, wearing an expression that oscillates between mild amusement and mild annoyance. Klaus lounges on another sofa, Viktor being next to him, a mischievous glint in Klaus's eye as he hums along with Luther's singing.

Five sits in an armchair, looking somewhat unimpressed and tapping his fingers against the armrest impatiently. Luther, completely absorbed in his performance, continues to pour his heart into the karaoke rendition. Behind Luther, the room is decorated with streamers and balloons, setting the festive mood for the bachelor party.

However, one notable absence is Ben, who is not present at the gathering. Luther's strained relationship with Ben has led to his exclusion from the bachelor party festivities.

Diego glances around the room, his gaze lingering on Luther's impassioned karaoke performance. He leans back into the sofa and mutters to Klaus, "I didn't imagine the bachelor party or the wedding turning out like this."

Klaus, who's playfully tossing a balloon in the air, smirks at Diego's gloomy demeanor. "Oh, come on, Diego! It's Luther's big day. Can't you be a bit more enthusiastic? Soon, he'll be an officially taken man for life!"

Diego furrows his brows, retorting, "I just thought a bachelor party would involve, I don't know, something a bit more... exciting? Not Luther passionately singing 'Total Eclipse of the Heart.'"

Klaus laughs and teases, "Well, we can't all have wild and crazy parties. Besides, Luther's happy, and that's all that matters. Loosen up, brother!"

Klaus, still reveling in the post-karaoke merriment, throws a playful jab at Diego. "You know, Diego, you're acting a bit like Five over here. Always the brooding one in the corner."

Diego chuckles at Klaus's observation, acknowledging, "Yeah, well, maybe I picked up some habits from the grumpy genius."

Five, who's been quietly observing the party from his armchair, shoots a sharp glance at Klaus. "You do realize that your 'observational skills' are not always appreciated, Klaus," he retorts, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Klaus grins mischievously, seemingly unbothered by Five's glare. "Lighten up, Five! We're just having some pre-wedding fun. You should join in!"

Viktor, nodding at Klaus's suggestion, adds his voice to the chorus. "Yeah, Five, loosen up a bit. It's Luther's big day, after all. Let's celebrate!"

Luther, having finished his karaoke performance, takes a seat next to Viktor. "Come on, Five. It won't hurt to join in the festivities. It's my bachelor party, and we're here to have a good time."

The room falls silent for a moment as Five contemplates their words. He sighs, downing the remnants of his whiskey glass, and finally concedes, "Fine, fine. Let's get this over with." With a resigned expression, Five stands up, ready to engage in the bachelor party shenanigans orchestrated by his lively siblings.

Klaus grins, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "And what'll it be, maestro?" he asks, gesturing dramatically towards the microphones.

Five smirks, seizing two mics and handing one to Klaus. "This is going to be a duet, my friend," he declares, amusement flickering in his eyes.

Klaus feigns a gasp, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Oh, I feel so special." With a theatrical flourish, he joins Five in front of their siblings, ready to deliver a performance that will undoubtedly add a unique twist to Luther's bachelor party.

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