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Guess who got time??

Hope you enjoy the treat!


Taehyung blinked confusedly watching Jungkook holding the pen like a knife. The two males were in the dimly lit conference room where a meeting was going on. One of the employee was giving the presentation while others listened to him attentively except the two.

Kim Taehyung.

And Jeon Jungkook.

While the ravenette was disturbed with his own emotions, the blonde stared at the other observing.

He had been studying Jungkook since the moment he walked into the meeting.

The ravenette has been so silent.

Awfully distant.

He hadn't looked at Taehyung even once, let alone smile at him. All through the meeting, he was watching the nib of the pen blankly as he stabbed the paper with it distracted.

The blonde was sure something has happened.

He removed his gaze from the ravenette for a moment to nod absent-mindedly at the man giving presentation before his eyes found Jungkook again.

The meeting ended for the ravenette somehow. As soon as the lights turned on, Jungkook placed the pen down onto the table only to look around himself.

His eyes found Taehyung who was already looking at him. The two males stared at each other for a moment. The ravenette gave a smile for the sake of it before getting up and walking out while others talked among themselves.

The blonde followed him out with his gaze. Mr. Flynn's voice brought Taehyung out of his thoughts. The man smiled getting up and nodded his head as to what other was saying. Giving a few instructions to the analytics team, he told them to present the proposal again tomorrow and walked out.

Walking into his office, he left his phone on the table and opened the camera feed on his desktop. Sitting down, he stared at Jungkook. The man sat holding his head in his hands as if trying to supress his thoughts but the expressions on his face said he was failing miserably.

Taehyung blinked thoughtfully sitting back and stared at the other.

On the other hand, Jungkook left his head and opened the I-pad lying in front of him. Tapping the screen urgently, he kept trying to distract himself from what he was feeling but it wasn't ready to go away. A storm of emotions has created a havoc inside him leaving him a mess.

The male pushed the I-pad frustrated and wiped his face.

So Hee was taking contraceptives without telling Jungkook?


Even after knowing how desperate he was for a baby?

Jungkook has always told how he longed for a family so openly. He had taken out his heart and put it in front of his wife as it is. He trusted So Hee. The man has never, in his wildest dream, ever expected his wife to break it so mercilessly.

He accepted that it was his wishes. He never thought that So Hee might have a different opinion about it but It never looked like she was hesitant.

If she didn't want it, she could have at least talked to her husband about it.

Her taking pills without Jungkook's knowledge, it felt like a betrayal. A joke on Jungkook's emotions. His wishes. His expectations.

It's okay if she didn't want a baby. It was her body. She has the right to chose if she wanted to carry another life in it or not. The ravenette would have understood. He would have felt a little disheartened but he wouldn't have felt cheated.

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