
her head snapped back to me and she rolled her eyes. i don't care about all that. all i want is her to come with me. i'm not feeling good and i rather her be in my presence than anything.

"do i need to get dressed? or can i stay in this?" she gestured to her sweatsuit. i shrugged since she's not doing anything for real. only being there with me. and they better not even think about including her or i'll cause a fit. they be quick to come up with ideas and put them to use.

"hurry." i pulled her. everyone was getting in their hotel rooms, so we needed to go before they came to our room.

when we got to the driver downstairs i sighed getting in. she was being all sluggish since she didn't wanna go. but i don't care, i need her. if she wasn't coming then i probably wouldn't be feeling this more than i'm already not feeling it.

"what are you about to do?"

"a photoshoot."

"you're taking the pictures?"

"no, i am the pictures."

"oh so your about to get dressed and stuff?"

i nodded. it didn't take long to get there so we were going out in no time. she held my purse and phone for me, opening doors and stuff. who does she think she is? my man?

when i was noticed by everyone, they immediately got started. i made sure they had beyonce comfortable before letting them take all of my attention. she is gonna be sitting there.

i sat in the beauty room for what felt like hours. getting my hair done by someone other than tae felt weird.. like i was cheating on my stylist. i'm sure he saw my bookings and is probably wondering why i haven't hit him up. lauren too for my makeup.

but i was told not to come with anything because it's all provided. except clothes of course, they were put together by me. i just didn't bring it with me.. if that makes sense. business calls go crazy.

by time i was finished i wanted to go. but it's really only begun. the first look just started.

i really like myself in blonde, it's pretty

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i really like myself in blonde, it's pretty. plus the makeup was something different, i like it. new makeup artist? i don't know.

standing on the set i waited for them to get things started. i just knew beyoncé was staring at me. unlike her i can handle her eyes on me. wouldn't need her to step off the set at all. but that's neither here nor there.

all i know is that she better look at me. not no other bitch that's up here. she think she crazy over me looking, i'll turn up on her ass.

the process was dreadful. i hate being told what to do in front of the camera. it's irritating, i rather be the one telling what to do. but.... whatever. i get it done and make sure the payment was successful. that's it.

i called for a break after so long and sighed heavily. bey came to me with a water bottle and towel, dabbing my face. she's such a mother, i love that for her.

"are you hot?"

"little bit. those lights are so bright." i mumbled drinking the water. she kissed my cheek and i sniffled before going back. really need to hurry up so i won't get caught. i'm sure they're looking for us.

speed it up.

"they wanna go for some food." bey crawled in the car after getting off the phone with solo. i laid my head back on the seat mentally rolling my eyes. why can't we chill today since it's day one? i know it was mommas doing.

jeez louise. but i can't even be upset, this is a family trip. there wasn't supposed to be any type of working involved. but there's always me that had to fuck this stuff up.

i'll get it together. nothing will interfere with the time i spend with them. and momma won't have to give me another speech about being consistent with my family. it breaks my heart. only because i work so much for us to have the secure life we all deserve.

we won't have to want for anything. promise.

but i understand that they want my time and love as well. so i'm trying. i really am. i'm not a deadbeat or anything like that.

"you tired?" bey grabbed my face and turned it towards her before pecking my lips. i sighed, nodding my head with my eyes still closed. if i could just lay up with her for the rest of the day i would be just fine. "you need to get some food in you and then we'll go to our hotel and sleep. i'll keep everyone off your back and we'll just....get some rest. that sound okay?"

"mm hmm." i only hummed. really i wanted to get a nap in on the way there so i was okay with the driver taking his time. "go slow."

i'm sure they looked at me crazy but i need it. just for a couple of extra minutes. it's only fair right now.

bey held my hand, slowly rubbing her fingers across my skin. it felt good and kept me calm. lord knows i'll start to get irritated since i'm tired. all i can do is my best when trying to stay calm and collected. especially with my parents. they really bother me sometimes when they start with me. i'm the only child.....

"just take you a small nap inside while we get ready okay? i'm gonna go talk to momma and daddy while you do. i'm sure they're gonna have questions as to why we've been gone for three hours."

"mmhm." i got out the car and we headed up to our floor. kelly was coming out her room then squinted her eyes at us. all i wanted to do was keep going but the way she was looking made me wanna say something smart. "bitch can you move?"

"nooo. where have y'all been?" she gave a knowing look. i shrugged about to keep going but she blocked the way. alright now. it's always kelly, acting like she's the mother of the group.

"kelly move, seriously. i wanna take a nap." i slightly pouted. i'm not even gonna keep up with this hard act, i really am tired. there's only so much of being tough, i can do.

she stepped to the side but bey stayed with her. i stopped at our door when i got it open and looked down the hall at bey. when she caught my eyes i pouted some more. she touched kelly's shoulder before coming.

"are you gonna shower?"

"no." i grumbled after flopping face first on the bed. turning sideways i sighed.

"ok. i'm about to go talk to them, i'll be back. i have my key so don't open this door."


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