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"i don't give a fuck." i mumbled getting out the bed. she really just woke me up to tell me she's going to a release party for this show.... so? i do not give a fuck about that shit. she could've just left. but maybe that was rude. i turned from going to the bathroom and sighed standing in front of her. okay that was really rude because she's frowning at me. my intentions weren't to hurt her feelings.

"i'm sorry. i just really don't care about anything connected to that show right now. alright? enjoy yourself." i turned away. that was as good as it was gonna get. i'm trying not to be an asshole here. i didn't have to be like that because i really do care about how she feels.

i stood in the mirror scratching my head and looking over myself. i'm literally never in clothes it's crazy. i'll walk around naked if i could. but kids make that hard. they'll act like it's so normal to stand around me while i'm naked. they already stand around me while i'm half naked.

"can you just be happy for me?"

"i am happy for you."

"you're not acting like it...i want you to be happy about me being on the screen for the first time."

"that's such a lie but whatever. i'm happy for you." i chuckled.

she's been on plenty screens. this ain't even her first time appearing in a show, like huh? now this is her first time being in a lead role, but to hell with that. of course i'm proud of her for having this position but i don't like what she has to do. i'm not tripping no more though.

"well yea it is a lie. but still, i want you to be happy with me. don't start ignoring me."

"ain't nobody gonna ignore you."

"you eventually have to see the show...and i know you won't be happy." she walked up on me and wrapped her arms around my waist. i'm so short compared to her, it's embarrassing. if only i had a couple more inches. that's why she think she be dominating shit. cause she tall as fuck. "we can watch it together...."

i rolled my eyes. crazy thing is that she think i wanna see it at all. why would i watch that shit? men disgust me in a sexual way... i don't wanna see my wife being sexual with one. ew.

"i'm good."

"please? at first i wanted you to be distracted from it but...i think it's best we get it over with together. so you won't see it online and be even more upset."

imma be upset regardless. watching it with her won't change anything. as soon as they start fucking i'm gonna be over it. might as well leave me out of it completely.

"alright i'll watch it with you. get off of me." i do have to take the kids to the mall today though. so we'll watch it after her release party. eye roll.

"no. don't start that with me. you always wanna be an asshole like i can't love on you. give me a kiss."

"you can love on me but-"

"there are no buts. give me a kiss."

i've been sleep for hours and haven't even brushed my teeth yet. yea it's the middle of the day but i've been tired so whatever. mind yours. i'm gonna sleep.


"let me brush-" she grabbed my jaw and made me kiss her. i felt her tongue push in and sucked on it before she pulled away. that was nasty...i wanna fuck now.


i smacked my lips and tried to undo her jeans. she was not going for it. grabbing my wrist and shaking her head. why would she kiss me like that then? be all the way serious right now.

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