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Harry Pov

Christmas break is finally over everyone is back at school and the feud between the lions and the snakes is back on, it's wired well for Nova it is "What are you thinking about Harry" Hermione asked me. "My sister and her opinion on the fight between house, mostly how the teacher do nothing about it" "Well your sister wired Harry and is too young to understand." Ron grunted and I knew Hermione kicked him "That's my friend and your best friend's sister you are talking about. So what does Nova think about " "Do we have to talk about a snake when we are eating it not like she bothers Harry all the time. And before you say it her brother I don't bother mine and I have 3 in school I won't expect Ginny to bother me either and we will all be in the same house" "Sorry to disappoint you Ron but I and my sister who you continue to insults have relied on each are entire life" I got up and left them both were I single Nova to follow me.

Nova Pov

"Ron just pissed off my brother" I thought but everyone look at me. "OH did I say that out loud, sorry" I look at Draco and Daphne. "How can you tell" I point over to him and get up. "I will see you all later I'm going to see how Ron just insulted me." I went to walk away "What do you mean," Riddle said but I just continued to walk.

Draco Pov

"She wonders why I don't like her," Mattheo says. "That's not the reason you don't like her anyway and you know it, but why do you care that she has been insulted? Ron does it whenever Nova gets brought up in conversation or like every time she goes and sees Harry" I say to him. He looks at the Gryffindor table. "No, I don't care it just well Weasley Potter's best friend you think that would mean she wouldn't get insulted by him at least not to Potter's face? But Nova just said he insulted her meaning it's normal for him to say stuff about her around Potter" Mattheo took a drink and we all looked at him. "What" "You just called her Nova" Daphne said "Well yes that's because I was talking about both potters and I would be confusing I can call her what I think about her next time" We all look at him. "And what that Riddle" "Little demon Potter" Nova sat back down and crossed her arms "and what have I to deserve such a name." She says smirking at him. "You know what you did and that's what I will now call you or well Potter if I'm in a good mood," He says "Are you ever in a good mood" Theo says making us all laugh.

"So Nova what was that," Blasie asked her. "Oh nothing Ron just ranting on about how much I'm apparently bothering Harry and he doesn't bother his brother and doesn't expect his little sister to either and they all going to be in the same house." She said taking a bite of toast. "Well yes, but you and your brother are only used to each other, not other people" Daphne said Nova nodded her head at her. "I'm sorry to say this Nova but I think Harry is a lossy brother, I bet Ron has been insulting you since the hat called Slytherin and he's only now saying something about it," I say and she looks up to meet her brother's eye who was mouthing something to her and she nodded. "What was that" "She just shrugged and looked up. "Come on we don't want to be late."

"You do have to agree with Draco" Bellatrix said looking at the screen. "Harry has been letting his best friend insult his baby sister And now only just said something," Orion said, "Right but Slytherins are all destined for evil have you not been watching this, This Voldemort was a Slytherin and everyone who supported him was a Slytherin," Damon said. Caroline stood up ready to defend Slytherin's house but Bonnie spoke. "She's also a mikaelson so of course she going to be evil." Okay, now all the family members stood up. Caroline moved over and broke Damon's arm while Klaus went over and bit the other. "Well done love" Bonnie used her magic to through her across the room making Remus Lupin growl and go for the witch but Sirius grabbed him "Know it your daughter but if you hurt her you will regret it" Remus nodded but took out his wand and curse the girl with boils while Sirius point his wand at the older vampire which had him screaming "Not all Slytherin wind up evil my cousin Andromeda was a Slytherin and she not evil," Sirius said. "You just used an unforgivable" Teen Lily Potter said. "Okay, I was still raised as a Black and was considered for Slytherin I know how to use a few dark spells." "Make sense you're also a Mikaelson," Elena said "

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