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Nova Pov Standing outside with all the Gryffindor and the rest of my house of Slytherins, old brooms lay on the ground next to us. "Okay everyone, I would like you to stand hand over the broom and I would like you to say firmly say Up" I did what was instructed and the broom went to my hand. I look at Draco Malfoy with a grin on my face. "I did it," I say to him and then I look at Harry had also got the broom in his hand. "They are both natural," James said smiling at his future child and future stepdaughter "I wonder what position they will play," Sirius asked. Mostly to themselves. "Shut up Harry" I looked toward my brother who was laughing so, Weasley had probably done something stupid. "Okay now I would like all of you to mount your brooms and when I blow my whistle I want you to kick off the ground hover and then land with both feet" "Yeah cause we all going to land with our heads" I whispered to Draco who laughed. "Ready, 1, 2 " She blew her whistle but before anyone could push off the ground Neville started to fly and kept getting high. "Mr Longbottom got down here right now," He just kept getting higher, "Mr Longbottom" I look at her. "Can't you tell his scared, shouting at him will not bring him down but increase his fear and instruct him how to get down like your job as our broom instructor is meant to" I shouted at her staring her in the eye. 

"Oh my baby" Alice covered her eyes as the young boy started to smack against the wall. "Nova is right she was speaking as if it was Neville's fault You could see the fear that was there," Frank said they looked back up when they heard a snap. "Oh just a break, now while I take MR Longbottom to the hospital I don't want to see a single broom in the air or you'll be expelled faster than you could say Quidditch" She took Neville with her and everyone look around wondering what to do. "if Longbottom remembers to give this a squeeze he might have remembered to fall on his fat ass" I turn around to see Parkinson picking up Neville remember-all . "Give it here Parkinson " Harry shouted and I turned around. "Why didn't you come to get it Potter" She started to get up on her broom and my brother followed her. "Now give it back before I knock you off your broom" I knew my brother was too nice to do that but I was not. "Come on Harry" James and Sirius shouted into the crowd Even older James was shouting. "You think mature as he got older. I hope Sirius has" the older version of Lily said to Klaus. "Na, if he is anything like Nik, Sirius will still be a child," Kol said looking at his older brother. "Say you Kol, you are the biggest child I know and you're 1000 years old," Klaus said back. "Hey, when you don't get your way you put us in boxes with a dagur" Klaus was about to say something. "Nikaus doesn't even try to fight Kol is right to suck it up" Klaus sat in his chair and crossed his arms. Caroline starts to laugh. "What" Rebekah says. "Nova has the same face when she doesn't get her way"  Everyone laughed including Klaus thinking about his grandchild. 

I went behind them both and locked eyes with my brother as I went up. "As if you would knock me off my boom" My brother hummed. "Correct but she would" As Parkinson turned around I flew at her knocking her off balance and making the ball fall I caught it. "Nova fling it" Draco shouted. I look at Harry he is ready to catch it. So I did. And I watched as he summer salted and caught it. "I think Nova will be a chaser and Harry a seeker," Tom said. Everyone looks at him. "Well, Nova has just flung a small ball with nothing inside it against the wind and Harry just caught said ball like it was nothing" Everyone hummed. "Regulus Imagining having your niece on the team, we would will all the time" Barty said to his best friend and Regulus laughed and agreed with him.  "Mr Potter" and "Miss Potter" Were shouted at the same time and Harry and I turned around at the same time seeing the head of the house walking toward us. "Well shit" I mumbled under my breath. As I walk toward my head house they both look at each other and give a nod. "Follow us," They said and we both started to walk.

"Professor could we please borrow wood and Flint please," Minnie said as we got to the DADA classroom. Two boys walk out of the room and towards the head of the house. "Well, Mr Flint I think I found you Chase" I look at Professor Snape his not serious "Her technique reminds me of one Regulus Black who was the best seeker Slytherin ever saw" Flint's eye glowed with happiness. "I will have one of them team let them use one of their brooms so I can see what she likes," Flint said. "Good Have a go before dinner. I will speak to Dumbledore about her broom." Snap nodded his head and Flint went back to class. "Now Miss Potter I would be very disappointed If you fail with the opportunity I have given you, I will tell you, you will be the youngest to ever play Quidditch not just in Hogwarts but the world" I look at him shocked, he nodded at me and lets. "Harry" I turn to my brother. "Youngest seeker in a century," He said. "Youngest play in the world position chance," I said to him and we both smiled. "I'm off to the library," I said to him. "Why" "To read about quid I have to be prepared, I'm not making fuel for myself." I am toward the library.

It was later that night and I was out on the field with Flint and another person I didn't know. "This is Terence Higgs, he is willing to lend you his broom so I can see what you can do on it and we to improve you." He passed me his broom and I got in the air Flint also got in the air. The ball was instantly up in the air and on instinct I went for it keeping in from Flint who also went for it. I kept it close to me. "Okay pass it here" He then told me to fly around the field and get ready to catch and then score. When he got close to the goal I moved toward him as he flung the Quaffle, I caught it and flung it into the top hop. He went back down and I followed. "You will do well kid just got you working with the team, we always had a chance but we just got a better one, We are going to use your small size against the other player we just got to get you a fast broom." I nodded my head and gave Higgs he's broom back. "Nova don't be telling your brother our strategies" I rolled my eyes. "Believe it or not I like winning too much to do that" I walked away and went to find my brother

"She is awesome, I wonderful player, Omg I can not wait to see how she plays against Gryffindor, I can't believe that Just let my mouth but well daughter and all" Sirius said looking at his little girl. "Slytherin is so winning this thing, she is ready to use her small size against Flint, she knew what she was going to," Tom said. "Tom you don't even like quidditch," Abraxas says. "My own Godfather not liking Quidditch, What the hell were you thinking Father" Sirius said looking at Orion. "That he was my best friend and crazy smart and he was the only one worthy of being my firstborn son godfather" The Mikaelsons all looked at the family in wonder. Even though Orion wasn't Sirius's father he knew that he was still his father no matter what and nothing was going to get him to change that. "Question Dad" Klaus looks at his son with an confused look. "Do you like to sound quidditch?" He asked "Yes it seems like an intentional sport but I think I would prefer to see an actual game" Sirius seemed to be okay with that answer Klaus just as happy with his response Harry Pov "Hey sis" I walked up to her she just came back from being outside.

"I have your birthday present." I pulled her with me into an empty classroom. "Omg god is that a Runespoor," I asked. "$Hello,$" I said "$Speaker it is such an honour to be able to meet two. I presume I am for you$" The left head asked Nova nodded her head "$Yes you do you have a name$" The snake shook her head. "How about Vega It is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra," Nova said to the snake. The right head started to hiss insults "Now you will stop at once no matter how venomous you are" Nova placed her hand out and let Vega slyther onto her she was about 3 foot long and went round my neck and my waist. "Now we hide her," Nova said as we walked to dinner

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