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Nova Pov 

Everyone in Slytherin holidays has gone home other than well, Mattheo he wanted to say instead of going back to the Malfoy's. Apparently, his father and Draco's father were close he grew up in Malfoy manner so now I'm stuck with Mr Severus 'who likes to glare at me, wishing he could take a hundred points off me but can't cause I'm a snake' Snape and Mr Mattheo ‘who one minute is all right with me then also hate my inter-being' Riddle. I know Harry is still here but he with spending time with Ron and Hermione in the Library, I like to read but I don't spend every minute I have time in there. 

  I'm walking to the great hall to see Harry and Ron both playing wizard chest, Harry was wearing one of his jumpers I got him it was green, I kind of did it to rub in Ron's face, in all fairness it's not my fault it brought out his eyes. "You have not moved an inch, and Harry you're losing by like a lot" I look at the board. Draco has been trying to teach me and well I'm getting rather good at it. "Yeah, I got no time to learn Oliver has been grilling us in practices for when he gets back we got to go full practice mood to beat Hufflepuff." He says to me letting me sit down." "You will be fine the only reason you lost to us snakes is because of the chasers you have, don't get me wrong you got chasers are good, just none of them are better them me," I say smirking at my brother. My brother shoves me. " anyway Weasley how come you still here thought you were leaving," I said look at the glaring ginger. "That's none of your business" At that moment the twins sat next to us George next to me and Fred next to Harry. "Our dear marauders' heirs,"  They both said bowing slowly. "To answer your question, Miss Potter..." "Our mother, father and sister have gone to go and see one of our older brothers so we all have stayed here" I looked at Ron and smirked. The twins got up and left with Ron following with his face red looking like he was going to explode. "You don't have to keep doing that when you want me to spend time with you" Harry said looking at me. "I know I don't but he also does not have to laugh at me every chance he gets it annoying," I said back to him.  

"Well, I see something very similar happening between an older sibling going to Gryffindor and a younger one to Slytherin what even greater is the fact is they are both related to the Black family, another thing is the half sibling just like our Sirius and Regulus who don't even know it”  Barty said and the Black family all looked at each other, non more that Sirius and Regulus Black. Sirius's heart broke, every time he thought about his baby brother it hurt him James and Remus tried to make him feel better about it but it never worked. "Sirius nothing will happen, it might but I don't think it will be permanent a lot of people around them won't let it happen. Remember you are not dead." Klaus said to his son. "Yes but no one has ever brook out of Azkaban before it impossible" Sirius looks down at his hands and his daughter and Harry playing chest. "Sirius You're a Mikaelson we are good at being the first to do anything my half siblings are the first vampires, me hybrid your daughter the first to survive the killing cures and the youngest” Klaus said looking at his son. All the purebloods nod their head they grow up hearing about the Mikaelson family clan it only makes sense if they would be able to break out of a magical prison as magic is a part of them just as much as them. 

"Hey, Harry why are you all in the library, You Weasley and Hermione? Don't lie to me either" I ask looking at my brother done playing our game. Harry huffs "We found a 3 head dog on the 3-floor corridor but it looks like he's guarding something he was standing on a trapped door. ON Halloween night we think Snape tried to steal it. What made this more believe was the fact he was cursing my broom, and before you stand up for your head of the house he was not breaking eye contact, which you can't do when casting a jinx, then Hagrid said something about a man named Nicolas Flamel but we don't know who he is so were trying to figure out who he is" Harry said looking at me. "Harry one I would never defend Snape that man hates me, hates me more because I'm in his house but he would never try and kill you okay and before you say he was not breaking eye contact to cast a jinx, it is  same for the counter curse," I said to him, "right but I still think it him" I roll my eyes at my older brother. "I don't think it's him"  If I remember right neither was Quirrell and that man sutter is still fake I swear. “Harry you want to go to the common room" Harry looked at me and I looked down as he got up.  

The granddaughter of a Mikaelson حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن