14-Mirror of Erised

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"It's from our father," Harry said holding a clock. We have them both now "Are birth rights now both in our hands, do you know the mischief we could cause, adding to all our pranks"  The grin on Harry's face matched mine, "Should be try it out, tonight you looking for Nicolas Flamel aren't you" I said looking at him. "Yes, they can't know I told you though Nova" I look at my brother with his pleading look "I promise as long as you promise not to tell your friend about the map or the Clock"  I look at him, "Wait but your friends know," He look at me, "You like my friends I don't like your other than Hermione and well she got a load mouth and to goody so also no," I told him and he look like he was thinking about it and looking at the clock. "I promise"  he put the clock on around him and he just disappeared, I smiled at my brother and walked back into my common room seeing Mattheo look at me.  

"They have to clock" Both James jumped up and down, teen James pulling Sirius with him who pulled Remus and then Peter joined the boys. "oh the pranks, and are tester is still there and Nova has a jail-free card he's her head of house and he would never take away from his own house." Sirius scowled at the man with hate "Leave Severs alone Black" Teen Lily said scowling at the boy, she has a very smart little girl. "So that clock is the very reason you all get away so quickly when we go back I will be having it taken from you" They can't take it it's a family heirloom, all firstborn potters getting for going to Hogwarts " James tell the man "you not meant to cause harm to other with it" Snape stood up, So did Sirius "Just because you Father, if a filthy muggle and you have no heirloom does not give you the right to taken an old family heirlooms because you don't like the fact that we turn your hair a different could every now again." Sirius said everyone looks at him. "what, his mother is a Prince they only a hundred years" He watch Snape sit back down "Sirius I never seen you speak about muggles like that." Lily jumped in. "Of course, he does he is still a Black" Regulus Said and his family all looked at Sirius with pride making the teen smile when looking back at James and Remus.  

"That because I can, I'm sure that doesn't mean I hate muggle-born it's just you all come to our world and turn our tradition into your like Christmas, yea there fun but it's not right, muggles deserve to be called that they have treated my daughter horribly." Sirius sat back down looking at the screen.  

Harry Pov

I went back to my common room seeing Ron waiting for me with his arms crossed. "Where did you go?" He asks.  "Slytherin common room. Nova told me where it was if she needed me and I did the same. I need to show her something. "Do I get to see" I shook my head not wanting to break my promise to my sister. "Why not" He said trying to grab what was behind me. I glare at him "Because it is between siblings and important to me and my sister, who doesn't want anyone to know so I agreed with her." I told him moving toward the stairs. "I tell you everything about my siblings. "Yes well I'm not like that, I made a promise to mine so I'm not telling, or showing you," I said making my voice as firm as an 11-year-old could. "Ron stop it,..""Harry doesn't have to tell you..." "As he friend you will respect that..." "Won't you" The twins came from behind me and put themselves in front of me so I could go but the clock was in my trunk, good thing Nova said to get password-protected ones.  

Nova Pov 

"What are you looking at," I said crossing my arms. "The wall, you too ugly for me to even glance at" Now that was just rude. "Whatever  Riddle. Your life has to be pretty boring if you stare at a wall in your free time" I walk past him so I can go get change and right to Remus. 

  Dear Remus  

I will start by saying thank you for the photos of my and Harry's Parents but I do have to say I was a cute baby if I have to say so myself. Everything is fine, Hogwarts is great Harry and I am adjusting greatly to Hogwarts mind being in a different house. I also have a question for you I have journals you made with the rest of the Marauders and I was wondering who  Snivellers was I have a very good idea but I would like to know from you. I will remember they are your favourite chocolates but I still like to know if you would want to meet me and Harry over the summer. - Nova Potter.  

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