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Nova and Harry were both sitting at their house tables, yes they were inseparable but both were competitive so both sat in their quidditch jumpers names proud on their backs. "Potter are you ready to go up against your brother," Flint said. "Yes I am Harry has been bragging about getting a hold of the snitch at today's game," I said "Well we have to make sure that doesn't happen. Now with Harry, he was just looking at the food on his plate. "Come on Prongslet you need to eat something" The twins said picking up toast and shoving it into his face. "Come on Harry you need your energy" Hermione said. "Nova looking fine" Ron sent a glare at the younger Potter.

Omg, we get to their play quidditch for the first time." James and Sirius both sat there having big grins on their face. "Dad you finally get to see a game, believe me when I say you will enjoy it, my inter-family is insane and there is time we all will kill each other but the one thing we all like is Quidditch," Sirius said to Klaus Mikaelson.

Nova Pov

I was walking on the field with my Nimbus 2000 and with Flint next to me. "Hey, what happened in your first game." I asked him "Well I crashed in the goal post and lost control of my broom when I was trying to score a goal nocked at the game woke up a week later in the hospital wing." I look a bit shocked, I'm ten years old I don't want to die in this game.

"We have arrived on the day everyone has been waiting for the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin or in other words Potter vs, Potter" There was a lot of cheering from all the houses. "I want a clean game from all of you, captains shake hands" She stood in the middle of us with the Quaffle in her hand and I loosened my muscles and made my grip tighter. She throws the Quaffle into the air and I use my size to quickly grab it. "Slytherin has the ball taken right from under Gryffindor our famous girl who lives passing it to Flint them going back and forth Nova has the Quaffle she flips in the air and she scores"

All of Slytherin cheered for the girl "She was amazing the flip came out of nowhere, there is no chance Gryffindor winning now" Sirius said aloud. "The betrayal" James shouted falling to the ground hand on heart. "Sirius you hate the snakes" Peter said. "what can I say she is my daughter and she's better than everyone" Sirius smiled at the girl flipping through the air dogging bullgers and her opponent. Scoring goals left right and centre. "she's unstoppable," Tom said looking at the girl. "She using her size to take it from their arms"

3 person pov

Harry was hovering looking for the snitch and keeping an eye out for his litter sister when he felt a jerk he grabbed a hold of his broom when he was flung off it. "Something Is wrong with Harry Broom," Hagrid said looking at Hermione and Ron. Hermione looked through the booklets and saw Snape muttering under his breath not breaking eye contact. Hermione ran off toward the teachers.

"Slytherin 250 and Gryffindor 70 but it seems that both seekers have spotted the snitch Potter and Higgs going for a dropped dive who will last "Higgs pulls out from the dive and Potter levelling with it, Potter down I can not see the snitch did he catch it or not" I was looking at my brother. And saw him hold the sinch in the air. "150 points to Gryffindor too bad it's not enough Slytherin won with 250 points and Gryffindor lost with 220. The snake pit cheered at the victory for their win. Harry came up to his sister, "How are you you almost became a pancake in 3 minutes" Nova asked her brother while crossing her arms a little smirk on her face. "I'm contracting on your win, but I'm finding that snitch quicker next time so you can't score all the shots," Harry says to her and smirks just mirroring his sister. Nova walked towards her brother pushing his shoulders, "Whatever you say bro but now I was amazing while you just almost died" He shoved Nova's shoulder and ran for it. The twins stood at Gryffindor's changing room smiled at the two and stopped Nova from falling in, "Sorry wolfstar can't have you in here you might see our plans to take you snake down." They said putting the brooms in a cross like a prison guard.

"They are siblings, haft or not," Ester said looking at the two and her own group of children remembering when they all acted so childish and wished she could take them all back and find a different way. Ester felt a hand on her knee to see her husband with a small smile and regretful eyes she gave the same smile in return. "They are so cute together," Alice said and Lily and Marry both hummed in agreement "Anyone who takes them apart will have their head removed" Marlene said going in her usual dark jocking manner. The members of the black family all smiled at the young girl happy at least she was happier than the rest of us when we were young.

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