07 | A Noblewoman's Escape

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MANY FRUITFUL DAYS have come to pass, drawn out by the steady stream of nobles that impressively slither through the heavily fortified palaces for a peek at the first princess, even the slightest glimpse from her highness assuring them of their safety in her hands once they swear their loyalty.

Of course, the Crown Prince has his own noble gathering every once and then, but the deluge of tasks he's been burdened with that came with his respective title exhausted him far too much, oftentimes resorting to sending his loyal, nagging men to be dealt with by [Name], who's face begins to develop unruly smile lines and disheartening cramps from the consistent amount of forced, practiced smiles she's had to put on for the past days as she entertains the guests that are most certainly unwilling to deal with the Emperor and the Empress, equally not up for the boring task of speaking with other aristocrats beneath them.

The summer heat has began to fade gradually as time passed, the arrival of spring heavily awaited by commoners constantly seeking refuge from the overwhelming sun during the day. Once, the summer heat had gotten far scorching, prompting everyone to lock themselves in their homes during the day to find anything cold to ease their sweating forms. The amount of servants and guards positioned outside the palace begun to dwindle as well, some facing the consequences of their stubbornness and fainting from heat stroke standing directly underneath the sun.

[Name] recalls that day with a scorn, having to lay near-naked in her own bed for the duration of it all, unable to find anything wintry to cool her down. Her butler had also sequestered himself to his quarters, as well as her other personal servants, the air too humid to even step foot off the comfort of their beds.

"Is something bothering you, Your Highness?"

Her butler's voice is sharp, laced with genuine concern as he approaches his mistress and sets a thin coat over her shoulders. [Name] stands by the fountain in her private gardens, the pale moon illuminating the night- in the past few days, she had developed a strange habit of basking in the moonlight at the latest of hours.

It was the one thing that gave her a feeling of tranquility during the busy days.

Her butler had taken notice of this on the fifth day, when the first princess was reportedly found unconscious in the rose gardens, tresses of her hair soaked in the shimmering waters of the fountain. Her servants had been in a rushed panic due to her slumbering state, so much panic that it had nearly given Heizen a large heart attack that almost took his life.

". . .No." She curtly replies, whirling around with an icy stare. "Let us return, Heizen."

The older man felt a tinge of pain in his chest at his lady's words, her mannerisms briefly reminding him of her mother's, who had once been enamored with the moon's beauty and was often found admiring it from leveled platforms. Nonetheless, he brushes off the feeling and complies with her orders.

"Yes, Your Highness."


The serene night sky twinkles with the promise of a thousand stars, the crescent moonlight smothered by the drifting clouds as the skies rumble with anger. [Name] arose from the alluring comforts of her bed, sequestering herself to gazing longingly at the clear, crystalline rivulets that dance on the glass of her windows.

Rain has come, bringing with it the wintry feel of a cold breeze. She stares at the warping silhouettes of trees that sway at the wind's command, at the dampened hedges that have drenched her flowers in water, the dewy petals descending onto the earth. Even as the turbulent rain continues, she can smell the faintest scents of petrichor from the confines of her room, soothing her gently.

Nothing is bothering me.

She assures herself, heaving a breath.

At least, not tonight.

Her eyes wander the area once more, finding nothing out of sight, out of place. Pivoting on her heel, she decides it time to return to the alluring comfort of her bed. Tomorrow will be the same; interacting with politicians to ensure the security of her image, of her perfection. She was ten, yes, but she was smarter than she let on.

After all, she is the family genius.

How could she ever fall behind?

No matter what happens, she will always have the upper hand - especially if she is ambushed. Nothing escapes her watchful eye; not even the silhouette that has emerged from the corner of her chambers, grinning under the intricately tailored hood of their cape. [Name] gives a smile, charming and sweet, yet it fails to work upon them.

They already know what her intentions are; they've known from the beginning. After all, one can never forget those who they have been faithful to.

"Hello again, Princess."

Semper Fidelis
"Always Faithful"

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