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After class, wednesday ran away. Enid couldnt see her since she was at cheerleaders praktice. She was a bit disapointed, because she really wanted to see her, but she couldnt remove that huge smile om her lips, and ofcourse her friends noticed she was happy. They knew something happend. When she got home, her partens asked her for her happiness, but she dint response, and just gave them a wink. She went to her room, laid on bed, and put on all her love songs she knew, that remaind her for wednesday. She was on cloud nine. Very in love...

The next Day, she dressed in her extra long sleeve shirt. (Wich was also long in the length so it seemed she had a dress.) And under it her favorite blue shorts. She left for school, still very happy. Ans met her friends at the parking lot. But divina greeted her with the same happiness.

-good moring Watson! How did you wake up?
She asked, walking to her friends happily.

Her cheeks were red, due the slight cold in the moring. But had the same goody smile as enid

-very good sinclair! Life is beautiful isnt it?
She asked tying her hair in a ponytail.

-life is always beautiful.
She respond.

-wgat happend to you today?
Liz asked with a smile, looking at the two fools. Entering the school.

-they seem more in love then normal.
Abby laughed.

-hm i dont understand what your talking about.
Diviana said, pretentding not to understand.

-me neither.
Enid nodded.

They went to abbies, locker. Givina the girl company.

-are you sure?

-well...actully. divina began, blushing, looking shy at her. -well she...kinds told me aomething important. All her friends looked at her paying attention. Enid metioned for her to continue.

-it May happend that..i spended a lot of time at her house this month. It happens that shes my neighbor across the street. Her friends nodded. Enid rememberd, that divina told them, that she was scared that the girl would bother her more, since she loved across her street. Now it was more funny. -well she asked me to help her with her home work. Yesterday she dint, but did told me she missed me. And i waited at my window till she came!

-wow div.
Enid said laughing, as she gave her friend a friendly tap on ber shiudler. -go on.

-yesterday, late at night, she arrived a litte late, and seemed to be a bit drunk. And without thinking, i enterd the room trought her window.- she took a deep breath, she was nervius rembering it. -and well..she was, i ended up taking care of her. And i dont know how, but we ended up kissing.

-awh how cute!
Abby teased, making her frienf blush.

-be queit!

-what happend next??
Liz pushed, wanting to know what happend so badly.

-it was very okay! And intense..we somehow ended in bed. But its not what you think!- she said fast when she saw her friends look. Enid laughed. -we dint do that. But from the moment to the next, she cried. She wanted me to forgive her, and asked that a lot of times. For treating me badly.- she Said with a silly smile, remebering how beautiful the girl looked.

-wow really?
Abby asked, not expecting that from the Queen of plastic.

-yes, for everything! She said she was annoyed at a certain way..she realized, she did that cuz..well shes- she took a deep breath, cheeks red. -shes in love with me.

The girls jaw dropped to the floor. Enid was happy and died from excitedment. After so long of suffering finnaly there was that little spark.


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