Chapter 22

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When I open the door at 3 A.M. Idris the doorman looks like he's about to apologize - explain that he tried to tell the visitor that she couldn't come up at this hour, but when I wrap my arms around Ayla he seems to understand that no explanation is necessary and retreats quietly.

It's been so long since I've seen her that it takes me a moment to register that she's real and not a vision; she's within arms reach, right there in front of me. I pull her into my arms, embracing her with the kind of longing that wants to make up for the past two years - all of it; the guilt; the shame; the nightmare we put her through. She feels so small in my arms, so broken, and that's when I realize something's not right, because her arms hang lifelessly beside her.

When I pull back to look at her, I notice her red-rimmed eyes. She looks like she's been crying for hours and instinctively I think the worst; he's done something to her. In that moment I don't think for a second that she's come to confront me for what I've done. That I'm the one that's caused her heartache.

"Oh my God. What happened? What did he do? Ayla, are you okay? What's the matter? Did he hurt you? How are you here at this time of night? Does he know you're here?"

I'm frantic, firing off more questions than she can answer.

She shakes her head silently, while her eyes look back at me lifelessly.

I'm panic-stricken, believing I have to save her from Roman before he discovers she's gone missing.

"We need to get you out of here. Now, before he finds out. As soon as he figures out that you're gone, this will be the first place..."

"No," she says, cutting me off.

That's when I realize this numbness in Ayla isn't about Roman Berisha, it's about something else. Call it a mother's intuition, call it a six-sense, I know she's found out from the way she's looking at me. There's an unspoken accusation in her voice, betrayal in her weary eyes and when she asks me why l didn't tell her, it all but confirms my worst fears.

Her words sound hollow and emotionless and her disappointment cuts like a knife.

"How could you and daddy keep something like this from me?"

It's my turn now.

Tears flood my eyes out of nowhere, streaming down my face as I take a step toward her, but she puts her hand up to stop me, and when she takes a step back to move out of my reach, a sob escapes me, like someone's just ripped out my heart.


That's all I can manage. A single word. My voice is thick with tears.

"Is that why..." she starts and then swallows like she can't bring herself to say it aloud. I know what she's going to ask even before she can get the words out.

Damn you Bobby.

Her voice shakes and she starts again.

"Is that why... you let him take me? Because I was... because I was adopted?"

Her lower lip quivers as she draws her eyes up to mine.

"No," I say, shaking my head frantically. My eyes swarming with tears for a second time.

"Honey, we should have told you," I say, my voice shaking. "I'm so sorry you had to find out like this."

I want to tell her our plan had always been to tell her, but words fail me. They're strangled in my throat and I can't get them out.

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