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With spare cash from Ares's backpack, they got a bus into West Hollywood, they showed the driver the address on the map Hermes gave them, but he never heard of the DOA recording studio.s

"You remind me of someone I saw on TV," The driver told Percy, "You a child actor or something."

"Uh..." Percy hesitated, "I'm a stunt double... for a lot of child actors..."

"Oh! That explains it," He said, dismissing the conversation. They quickly thanked him and then got off at the next stop.

They traveled miles on foot through Hollywood to find DOA, but no one knew where or what it was. Twice they ducked into alleys to avoid the cops. When dark fell, they started passing by smokers and drunks, all that gave Brooklyn shuddering memories.

As they were passing an alleyway, a voice from the dark spoke, "Hey you,"

Six white kids started surrounding them, all in fancy clothing with mean scowls. Before Brooklyn knew it, Percy uncapped his sword and swung.

One of the kids yelped as the sword passed right through him. He looked down at himself, "What the..."

Brooklyn yanked Percy away, "RUN!"

They pushed the kids out of the way and made a run for it down the streets of Hollywood, no idea where they were going. "There!" Annabeth shotued, pointing to a shop on the block that was open.


"Crusty Water Bed Palace?" Grover read.

They didn't question it any further as they hurried inside and hid out of the view of the windows. Eventually they heard the kids run past, they all let out a breath of relief. "I think we lost them." Grover said.

"Lost who?"

Brooklyn jumped when a man with sagging skin and a bald head walked towards them. He had a yellow smile and heavy eyelids. "I'm Crusty." He said, showing off his yellow teeth. Just looking at him, Brooklyn wanted to cringe.

"Sorry... to uhm... barge in. But we're just browsing." Percy excused.

"You mean hiding from those no-good kids." Crusty grumbled. "They hang around every night. I get a lot of people in here, thanks to them. Say, you want to look at a water bed?"

Percy didn't get the chance to say no before he was dragged away from Brooklyn, Annabeth, and Grover. They quickly followed after into the show room where there were waterbeds of all kinds and sizes.

"This is my most popular model." Crusty gestured to a waterbed with a satin cover, "Million hand massage. Go on, try it out. Shoot, take a nap. I don't care. No business anyway."

Grover immediately dove in. "Oh, you guys! This is so cool!"

"Hmm," Crusty hummed, stroking his chin, "Almost, almost."

"Almost what?" Brooklyn asked.

"Do me a favor and try this one over here you two," He said, looking at Annabeth and Percy, "Might fit."

Annabeth frowned, "But what—"

He patted them reassuringly on the shoulder and led them to two Safar Deluxe Model with lions carved into the frame. "Uh, we're not exactly interested in this model," Brooklyn said nervously.

Crusty laughed, "Nonsense, it's a good fit." He then pushed them onto the beds.

Brooklyn landed on the water bed and felt it bounce as she fell.

Crusty snapped his fingers, "Ergo!"

Ropes sprang from the side of the bed and wrapped around Brooklyn and Annabeth, holding them down to the mattress. "Dude what the heck?!" Brooklyn yelled, fighting against the ropes.

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