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"We aren't going to be able to outrun them for very long," Grover said as they quickly walked through an alley.

"We don't need to," Annabeth said calmly. "We just need a safe place to hole up."

"Some place safe," Percy repeated as if it were a foreign concept. "Any idea where we might find one of those?"

Annabeth pursed her lips, "I do. A sanctuary, dedicated to Athena. One of her demigod children built it ages ago."

"There's an Athenian temple hidden somewhere in the middle of downtown St. Louis?" Grover said.

"Yes," Annabeth answered with a small shrug. Her eyes wandered forward and up, "Except it's not all that hidden."

Brooklyn followed her line of sight and groaned, "You've got to be kidding me. You know I hate heights."

Annabeth smirked, "You'll be fine, Brook." She said as they walked towards the St. Louis Arch.


"It's 630 feet wide. 630 feet tall. Both within an inch." Annabeth explained. "It's got no internal support. Each side is balanced perfectly against the other." A hint of amazement in her voice. "The arch is held up by symmetry." She said as they entered the underground museum. "It's held up by math. And... it's earthquake-proof."

Brooklyn scoffed at Annabeth's small smirk, "Haha, Annabeth. Haha."

"I don't get it." Percy said with a frown.

"Athena and Poseidon are rivals. Athena, goddess of wisdom and craft. She is the manifestation of creation and art." Annabeth explained.

Brooklyn nodded, "Poseidon? God of Earthquakes and storms. Ironically, a temple built dedicated to Athena was made to be earthquake-proof." She gestured to the museum around them.

"So... if our dad and Athena are rivals..." Percy said slowly, "Why are you two best friends?" He pointed to the girls.

Annabeth shrugged, "I didn't know Brook was Poseidon's daughter till a year ago. We've been friends since we were seven. To throw away a friendship like that? Where's the logic in that?"

"Of course, you'd bring up logic. And here I thought you were going to give a heartfelt talk about us not being like our parents." Brooklyn cooed.

"Nah, that's all you and Luke," Annabeth said waving Brooklyn off when they got to the front of the crowds. "This is how you show Athena your love. A monument to the power of perfection." She said proudly.

Grover cringed when he saw some of the displays that showcased Native American history, "It's a monument to some other stuff too."

"You're talking about what humans want this place to be about," Annabeth argued. "I'm talking about what it actually is."

"Whatever," Grover said miserably. "We're safe here right?"

"No monsters can enter. Not even Echidna. We're safe."

Grover sighed, "Great... Well, since our train exploded. I'm gonna see if there's another one we can get tickets on." He looked at Brooklyn, "We still have money left right?"

Brooklyn handed him her bag, "Should be enough for tickets to go the rest of the way."

"Good. Because we can't stay here forever." He looked towards a giant display with the phrase MANIFEST DESTINY, "Just because we're prey doesn't mean we need to be helpless." Grover said firmly before walking away.

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