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"Guys! I found him!" Percy and Brooklyn looked at Annabeth who came running back to them. They had split up to try to find Hermes or Grover.

"You found Grover?" Percy asked hopefully.

Annabeth's excited face fell, "Oh... no, still haven't found him. I found Hermes though. We should talk to him now before he disappears or we forget again."

Percy frowned, "But we can't just leave Grover..."

"I'm not saying we're leaving Grover." Annabeth sighed. "Gods know how long we've been here. We need to talk to Hermes. Now come on."

Brooklyn and Percy followed Annabeth and they entered the casino part of the building. No one questioned three teenagers though as they walked through. Eventually, they found a man in a grey sweatshirt and a gold watch telling a loud story to people at one of the tables.

His eyes found them, "Hey, Demigods, welcome." He said casually. Brooklyn was impressed he had figured them out already.

"We were sent to find you," Brooklyn said.

Hermes shrugged, "Well you found me," He waved his hand, "Come join us! You kids know how to play craps?"

"Look, we need your help," Annabeth said as they walked closer. "And we don't really have a lot of time—"

"I know what you need my help for," Hermes said without looking up. "You want my help to sneak into the Underworld."

Percy nodded, "Wow, you're a really good guesser."

"I exist beyond space and time, kid." Hermes pointed out. "Why do you think they put me in charge of delivering the mail?" He sighed, "Look, you're not the first demigods to ask, and, trust me, you won't be the first demigods to walk away disappointed... So you might as well play a little—"

Annabeth stepped forward, "We're friends of Luke."

Brooklyn sucked in a breath. Playing the Luke card could have been risky. But she hoped that Hermes would help them for the sake of his son.

Hermes's face immediately fell. He looked around, as if thinking before running a hand down his face, "Yeah, okay," He walked towards them and turned them around as if ushering them somewhere.

Next thing they knew, they were being led into a private room.

"Time and space are easy, kids." Hermes said, reading their shocked faces before sitting down. "Parenting is... something else entirely. Have a seat." The three of them pulled out chairs. "I remember you," He pointed at Annabeth, "Last time I saw Luke."

Annabeth just nodded. "I heard everything." She said vaguely, making Brooklyn and Percy frown. "Help us get to the Underworld. Help us retrieve Zeus's master bold from Hades and he'll see that you care." Annabeth said desperately.

Hermes nodded slowly, "There is a way into the Underworld. A secret way. I've help others find it before, and do you know what happens every time? I mean every single time.

"They die?" Brooklyn guessed. "Go insane? Never come back out?"

Hermes clicked his tongue, "Definitely Poseidon's kid... and trust me, you don't want my help."

"No, we actually kinda do," Percy said.

"I was warned to stay away from Luke. Warned that no matter how much I tried to help, I would just make things worse, and I went anyway. And it wasn't just awful for Luke. It was awful for all of us." Hermes said cryptically before leaning forward, looking at Brooklyn and Percy, "You know what that feels like? To be so close to someone you love knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other? I know you do." He reached forward and touched Brooklyn's wrist.

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