
The room spun. She felt choked by the sight of a crimson and umber wave coming to

consume her. Shock trembled out to the very tips of her fingers. She did not know if she would survive it. She'd faced down death too many times before. There had to be a limit.

Ezren stood in her doorway, wearing full scale armor and looking ready for war. She wasn't sure who was more surprised at that moment. It should have been Cetlali. She had the sudden and uninvited intruder in her rooms, armed with every weapon he knew best, gleaming along his waist like omens.

Unfortunately, the way he looked at her did not bode well. Eyes wide and bulging, a tugging of pure, incensed fury pinched his lips.

It made it seem like she was the egregious one.

She stood next to her own bed with a decent sized satchel and comfortable riding clothes on the sheets. A far more normal behavior than showing up in someone's room, armed to the teeth, when considering appropriate activities for the middle of the night.

"Vassour Elect," Cetlali spoke first, though she really shouldn't have. Her voice was a weak squeak, and it made her want to cringe.

"What's this?" His words clipped at her like shears.

She unfolded herself from her tension as best she could and let out a shaky exhale. The actual words she wanted to say came right along with all that bravery she earned herself earlier. "Would you mind telling me why you're in full scale armor, in my room, in the middle of the night?"

"You should be sleeping." He snarled, more testy than usual.

A scowl twitched on her face. She hesitated, but replied, "As should you."

His glare was hawkish as he spoke. "I came to retrieve you. There are dangerous murmurs in the Citadel." His gaze was gaining a painful focus as he loomed.

"Murmurs of what?" Her tone became weighted with a careful absence.

Ezren's glare was severe. His lips sharpened into something like a smile as he spoke. "Zhi Ovar Tate was spotted on the outskirts of the city."

"When?" Cetlali asked, alarmed, yet with a secret mild irritation at the moniker. Ovar did not deserve the title Zhi any longer. Nor did he deserve such regard from the very moment he harmed his brother. Fear crept back into her throat when she recalled how she, Athua, and Masha had been all over the palace. They even edged out into the city for a bit to help Cetlali gather some fleeing necessities in the guise of a shopping trip for Masha.

"We received the message around the evening meal. However, it was given far earlier than that." His tone was chilled and pulled her from her thoughts.

Cetlali frowned, eyes flashing around a room too full and too empty at the same time.

The tendrils of anger and confusion skittered in her mind and made her feel agitated.

He put his hand out to her, confident, consuming. His gaze transfixed her. "Come with me, Cetlali. I will keep you safe."

She leveled a contemptuous frown at him, leaning away from his hand like it was a threat.


Ezren's gaze hardened and his jaw clenched.

"Cetlali, I insist you come with me immediately."

"Where's Xocthl?" Her voice was tentative.

Ezren's cheek twitched. She glared at him, demanding now, "Where's Lovou? Won't we need more protection? Ovar's supposedly amassed a band of fifty or more brigands to his cause. Going anywhere by ourselves would be a death wish."

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