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Cazar Shcomou was the main holdfast of the Empire's Fourth Realm, Wisteryala. It sat on the furthermost shores from the central citadel, like a shroud for their thriving Empire of Pagegonia. Its massive walls, built of stone and smoothed mud, were nearly black as pitch.

The Cazar curled around on itself. Its terrifying beauty spanned a hefty portion of the western shores, with sprawling sepia sands, crystalline waters, thick copses of trees, and rocky formations. The walls were as suitable to keeping things out as they were to keeping things in. For generations, they protected the infamous Clan Armistead.

Ezren's progeny were the glory of Cazar Shcomou. Rocha, the eldest daughter, earned her title of Vae in the Realm's court. She had poise, intelligence, and the sweetest courtesies anyone had ever known. From even a young age, she was proficient at weaving words, courtesies, and compliments into commands that no one failed to realize. Her mere presence was a demand for attention. She reserved her

niceties for very few, but her capacity for cruelty was limitless. She was especially rotten to her youngest brother since he seemed different from the rest of them. If Rocha deigned to acknowledge anyone at all, her green eyes usually burned with radiant hatred and her thin pink upper lip often curled in disgust.

At eighteen, she was one of the most prized maidens in all the land. Born from a prestigious clan with the look of divine royalty, she was a genuine fit for the role of Sovereign. Alas, Rocha had been born a decade too late and another too early. Most of the eligible suitors her age came from the surrounding realms. The opportunity for her to achieve greatness through her station was threatening to pass her by. She faced a pretty remedial existence as some puffed up merchant's wife, living in a keep that would get forced on her, likely as much as her spouse. Ezren kept some rather fanatical rules for betrothals because of his twisted faith.

The Empire required consent between two adult parties for a marriage. Unfortunately, they had yet to specify rules against coercion.

With the threat of losing everything she had, Rocha was stuck taking what she doubtless never wanted. She ended up as the second wife to a drunk Emperor old enough to be her father. Older, actually, and with an heir already born. At first, the betrothal seemed too absurd.

It had to be some kind of jape. But Rocha, beautiful as a diamond and about as emotive, accepted the position. She performed with grace, showing her honor for the Emperor's request and Ezren's proposition. He's wanted nothing more than to be adjacent to the crown.

Rocha is much the same as her father. They want power and they'll find their way in.

Caran, the middle child, was the gem of Cazar Shcomou. Like his father, he was tall and lithe, with some broad aquiline features.

But soft rose golden waves and his hazel eyes gave way to a far more charming and fiery spirit. Just about everyone at court adored him and his wily charm made even the most disgruntled of people huff with begrudging levity. Much to Ezren's dismay, Caran was a bit too clever, even for his studies. He was quite the mischievous and curious child. No one

expected such from his stern and tight-buttoned sire. He had a disturbing innate talent for anything he tried and a kind heart that made Caran into what it took to become a great man one day.

It wasn't a shock that Rocha accepted the betrothal, as it was the closest she'd ever get to the power she craves. What did shock just about everyone was directly after, Caran pledged himself to the Municipal Army. Caran, the once prized heir, walking out on his obligations and pledging his life as the Emperor's newest fodder, nearly put the realm in ruins.

Zeger was the youngest, with tight brown curls glowing golden in the Great Star, just as bright as his signature lopsided smile. His stature was petite, where his siblings and father were more carved and willowy. Magnanimous in ways the others weren't, he was sweet mannered and kind. Though no one gave him a chance standing against Caran and Rocha, Zeger was the most like his father, with a cunning mind. He was quite the thorn in the

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