"Who dog?" Demir pointed as he entered the living room. "That man bought me a dog as an apology but ion want no apology from him."

"Mama can you keep an eye on him while we go out to eat please?" Tink asked "Yes, don't be long I have somewhere to be by 8:30 tonight."

"Fuck you goin?" Demir asked "Cuss at me in my mother fuckin' house again Demir!" She yelled while hitting him. "Ite, ite mama i'm sorry!" He flinched

"And i'm grown you don't ask me where i'm goin' mind yo damn business."

Tink shook her head then handed the dog to her mom so they could go. Siya and Demir followed her out the front door then went and got in the car.

"He callin, I should pick up?" Tink asked "Yea" Siya nodded "Okay"

"Yes Sincere?" She asked hearing him breathing on the other end. "Stop actin' like det fa I bat da fuck out you son."

"How you write me a letter apologizing just to act the same way? I'm not finna deal with this shit mane I'll really cut you off."

"So you got yo puppy?" Was all he had to say making Tink very irritated. "Yes Sincere I did, thanks."

"Yea... you welcome. Why you gotta do me det when i'm tryna do betta fa you li girl."

"Are you? Are you really? Because it doesn't seem like it. You just told me you was gone bat da fuck out me n ian even do shit! I'm sick of your crazy ass calling my phone everyday on some weird shit."

"Say- bitch why is you yellin' at me?" He asked causing Tink to go silent. "Bitch? I got yo bitch Sincere." She hung up in his face and blocked the number from her phone.

"He called you a bitch?" Siya gasped "He bet not want to!" Demir spoke from the backseat.

"It's cool, I bet we never speak again." Tink responded before turning the music up.


"I been missin' you." Sincere spoke as he kissed down Tink's body. "I missed you too." She responded

"You ain't give my pussy away did you?" He asked "No Sincere" She shook her head.

"Oh okay" He nodded "I find out a nigga even hugged you, you know imma kill em right?"

"Yes, I know. Why are you like this Sincere?" She asked causing him to pause. "Cause I fuckin' love you bitch stop playin' wimme." He bucked

"Can you not call me that please? I don't like it."

"I call you what I wanna call you, you belong to me muhfucka. Whatever I say do you gone do it, understand me?" He asked grabbing her by her neck. "Do you understand me Nina?" He asked again when she didn't respond.

"Okay- okay!" She gasped as he tightened his grip.

Tink opened her eyes and started gasping for air while touching her neck. Once she sat up she looked around and realized she was alone.

Tink cut on her lamp and drank from her water bottle. Once she calmed herself she laid back down on the bed.

"Crazy ass man." She mumbled as she cuddled with Marz until she fell back asleep.

The next morning Tink got dressed and ready for her day. She had a few clients today so she was about to make her way to the shop.

"What... the fuck...?" Her jaw dropped seeing her car outside with no wheels on it. "I'm not even about to do this today." She huffed going to the uber app to get her an uber.

A few minutes later her Uber arrived and took her to the salon. Her mom wasn't coming in until later on today so she had to open.

While she was getting ready for her client two people walked in. She didn't recognize them at all so she wanted to know who they were.

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