Chapter nine: Battle of the five armies

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"What have we done?" Bilbo whispers as we watch the beast fly off into the distance.
"Don't worry. It's not over yet." I say, determined to stop the beast.
A roar slices through the air as we turn back towards the sky above the mountain.
Meleys with her ruby red scales, elegantly lands beside me as Bilbo stares wide-eyed with his mouth agape.
She folds her wing so i can use it to climb up onto her back.
Laerornien turns to Bilbo, giving him a nod before turning to look towards the town. She grasps onto the larger spikes on Meleys' back.
"Sōvēs." (Fly) i tell her.
She takes a few leaps forward before launching into the night sky. We stay above the clouds to remain hidden from Smaug until we're ready to strike.
We watch as we approach, as Smaug dives back and forth, leaving trails of burning flames as the towns' people scream in fright.
Meleys pushes herself to fly faster as we charge at our foe. I try to keep her out of sight as much as possible as she flies around Smaug, throwing one attack after another. Using her teeth and claws to bite and scratch our enemy as she gives and receives injuries, though most of hers being minor compared to Smaug.
"Vēvot!"(up) I shout as we aim our path to the clouds, hoping to lead Smaug away from the people down below. It works, he follows us into the clouds, neither of us able to see the other. Meleys hovers in place for a moment, when we're caught off guard. Smaug comes from behind us, using his claws to scratch at us from above, Meleys quick reflexes jerk us to the right almost knocking me off balance which would be fatal at this height. I readjust my grip to ensure that doesn't happen as my heartbeat thunders in my chest, my right arm having a better grip due to my injury. We charge at Smaug once more, our speed pushing him out of the clouds and close to the roofs of the burning town.
"Did you really think you could defeat me?" Taunts Smaug. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Bard standing on top of a bell tower with a black arrow pointed at Smaug.

"Geptot!"(Left!") i shout to Meleys as the black arrow comes flying towards the two dragons.
She uses her head and body to push Smaug into the path of the speeding arrow. When he stumbles back, the arrow hits the area with the missing scale, ending his reign. Smaug trying to claw his way higher into the air before darkness takes over, his huge frame falls onto the boat, carrying the fleeing Master with all the gold the boat could carry. He hits the water and buildings with a loud bang.
I lead Meleys higher into the sky as we head back to the mountain.
Back at the mountain before Laerornien returns:

"What was that?" Asks Ori as he stands from a rock, turning towards the burning town having hears the loud bang.
"It fell, i saw it." Answers Bilbo stepping forward. "It's dead. Smaug is dead." He says turning to the others.
Thorin stays in his place, not having looked away from the mountain once.
"By my beard, i think he's right! Look there! The ravens of Erebor are returning to the mountain." Everyone cheers.
"Aye. Word will spread. Before long every soul in middle-earth will know the dragon is dead!" Balin announces. All of them missing the dark look on Thorins face as he moves closer to the mountain and away from the group as the others cheer and holler.

After a minute or two, Meleys lands on a somewhat flat area of rock near the company. Laerornien slides off her dragon's back as the company approaches her, cheering and shouting with joy. Bilbo is the only one to notice her stumble slightly when she hits the ground as she glances at her arm. Bilbo pulls her into a quick hug before the dwarves turn it into a group hug causing a laugh from many of them. When the dwarves go back to celebrating their victory, Laerornien takes the chance to turn to Bilbo, mouthing two words in question. "Where's Thorin?" Bilbo mouths back.
"Mountain." Laerornien's eyebrows knit together as she turns towards the mountain, a look of concern and confusion on her face.

Bilbo and Laerornien come running through Erebor's halls when they hear the dwarves that stayed behind in Laketown, call out for them.
"Wait! Wait!" Bilbo yells, stopping the approaching dwarves in their tracks.
"It's Bilbo, and Laerornien, they're alive!" Says one of the dwarves.
"Stop! Stop! Stop! You need to leave. We all need to leave." He warns.
"We've tried talking to him, but he won't listen-."
"What do you mean?" A dwarf cuts me off.
"Thorin!" Bilbo says louder than intended.
"Thorin. Thorin. He's been down there for days. We doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself. Not at all. It's this— it's this place. I think a sickness lies on it."
"Sickness? What kind of sickness?" Asks Kili. Fili takes off in the direction of the throne room with all the gold.
"Fili! Fili! Fili!" I try to stop him as he ignores the calls, we all follow him until he stops on a platform down some stone stairs, looking down at all the gold.

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