Chapter three:

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Time skip: 30 years, age: 50 but looks around early 20s

I'm standing in the middle of the forest in Mirkwood when i hear footsteps behind me. Whiping around i relax when i see my brother, Legolas.
"Legolas?" I say but it comes out as a whisper. We both quickly walk towards each other, grabbing the other in a tight hug.
"I missed you." I whisper.
"I missed you more." He replies.
"How are you here?" He asks, "Your supposed to be in Lothlorien for a few more years." My eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"What do you mean? I am in Lothlorien." I tell him. He looks at me also confused.
"Then how are you here now?" He asks.
"I don't know." I say before a slight glowing light comes from my necklace with a blue stone held in place with what looks like thin silver vines wrapped around the bottom of the stone. Before i can say anything to Legolas, everything disappears, fading into darkness.
End of dream.
I quickly sit up, taking in the familiar surroundings of my room in Lothlorien. I take a deep breath as i look out my window to see three dragons sleeping in a clearing not to far so i can keep an eye on them.
Tessarion, a large dark blue with some black on the tips of his spikes (he looks like Drogon except the Color. He's the size of season 8 Drogon)
Beside him is Meleys, a deep red that appears more vibrant in the sun is fairly larger than Tessarion.
Finally is the largest, Balerion. He takes up the most room in the large clearing, taking up almost half the space. From what I've learnt, the dragon Smaug would be larger than Tessarion but not too much larger than Meleys.
Balerion would dwarf Smaug with his enormous size.
A few weeks later Lady Galadriel pays me a visit while I'm sitting with Tessarion and Meleys.
Tessarion moves his head closer to Galadriel, having taken a liking to her as well as Meleys. She gently places a hand on each of their heads as they both make noises that almost resemble cats purring.
"I am to travel to Rivendell, would you care to join me?" She asks, petting Meleys.
I look from Meleys and Galadriel in front of me to Tessarion behind me from my seat on the ground. I turn towards Lady Galadriel with a smile.
"I would love to." I say getting to my feet.
Lady Galadriel smiles back, knowing what i was thinking. She walks beside me as we move to the Meleys' side, Meleys crouches down for Galadriel as she gracefully climbs onto her back.
I walk to Tessarion, climbing onto his back. Looking over to Galadriel and Meleys to make sure they're okay, the sight of them almost impossible to imagine as they both look so ethereal and elegant. Galadriel gives a nod knowing what to expect, having ridden Meleys a time or two before.
"Sōvētēs!" I call out to Meleys and Tessarion in Valyrian.

They take off flying towards Rivendell getting there in a third of the time it would take to ride there on a horse. On the way, i admire the sight before me as Galadriel flies diagonal to me. Anyone who's called the Lady of Lothlorien a great beauty or anything along those words, has never seen her on the back of Meleys, now that is a sight to behold. The moon twinkles off her white dress and golden hair, glowing softly in its light. We land on a cliff in the cover of night so the dragons wouldn't be as noticeable to the elves of Rivendell. Even though they've seen Tessarion and Meleys before, Galadriel advised me to hide them because the company of Thorin Oakenshield has come to Rivendell. She also wanted to keep the dragons hidden from Saurman.
After a small meeting with Gandalf, Galadriel and Lord Elrond, he convinced me to join the company to help them reclaim the mighty kingdom of Erebor. I also had a short conversation with the three about how my magic lessons were going with Lady Galadriel. She always says I'm a natural but i still prefer to only use it as a last resort, only using it occasionally.
As i sit with the dwarves now, I'm seated with the hobbit known as Bilbo when i notice one of the dwarves having trouble starting a fire. I hold out my hand and mutter.
"Incendia." Sparks flicker on the sticks before bursting into flames. The dwarves heads whip to Laerornien as she sits casually as if nothing happened. Thorin leans over the fire to reach something when Laerornien notices something fall from Thorin into the flames. She quickly moves to kneel in front of the fire, reaching her hand into it with no regard to the heat of the flames that lick her arm but cause no harm.
She ignores the dwarves protests to take her arm out of the fire, picking up a coin from Erebor on a chain.
    I hand it back to Thorin without a word while he nods his head in thanks.
Laerornien sits back down next to Bilbo, reassuring him that she's unharmed and explaining to the dwarves and hobbit about some of her magical abilities and her ability to touch flames without being burnt.
    Laerornien wakes up early with the rest of the company to make a quick getaway from Rivendell before anyone can stop them.
We walk along the narrow path on the side of the cliffs that encompass the stunning city, protecting its beauty from harm.
"Be on your guard, we're about to step over the edge of the wild. Balin, you know these paths. Lead on." Orders Thorin.
I stop walking when i notice Bilbo turn around from beside me to look back at the city we've left behind one last time.
I put my hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner when Thorin interrupts.
"Master Baggins, Laerornien, I suggest you keep up." Bilbo takes one last glance before following the rest.
We march along the rocky, narrow cliffs of the Misty Mountains when a storm hits, thunder crashes and lightning strikes as the company carefully makes their way across the slippery path. I have the hood up on my cloak, covering my silver braided hair except for a few strands around my face that have come loose in the wind. I keep the cloak wrapped around me trying desperately to stay dry.
"LOOK OUT!" Dwalin shouts as a large boulder comes flying across the air, hitting the mountain above the company, breaking into pieces as it falls, narrowly missing them as they hug the wall.
"This is no thunderstorm! It's a Thunder-Battle! Look!" Shouts Balin over the noise, pointing out a giant made of rock as it breaks off a large rock and throws it at another that appears on the other side of the company.
"HOLD ON!" Dwalin yells as the path their standing on splits the company in half, forming the legs of a third rock giant.
The first half of the company are able to jump off the rock giants leg and safely back onto the cliff side while the other half have to hold on for their lives as the rock giant stumbles to and fro, taking hits from the others until it finally collapses, supposedly crushing the dwarves and hobbit against the cliff.
"NO!" Thorin shouts running around the corner, sighing in relief as he sees the dwarves stacked on top of one another groaning from the collision. Laerornien looks around frantically, not seeing her hobbit friend anywhere. Bofur voices her concerns.
"Where's Bilbo?! Where's the hobbit?!" They look around before spotting him, hanging off the side of the path trying not to let his grip slip in the rain.
"Get him!" Thorin orders.
Ori and Bofur reach their hands down as far as they can go but still can't reach the hobbit. I hold my breath as Bilbo's grip slips for just a moment but he manages to catch himself on another hole, stopping his decent. Thorin grabs hold of the side of the cliff with one hand and jumps down onto a small ledge beside Bilbo, pushing him up towards the company to help pull him up. Just as Bilbo makes it onto the path, Thorin's foot slips off the sleek rocks. A hand catches his arm before he can get far. Thorin looks up to meet the icy blue eyes of Laerornien as she slowly pulls him up. Laerornien checks on Bilbo after making sure Thorin is away from the ledge.
"I thought we lost our burglar." Dwalin tells Thorin.
"He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. And neither does the Lannister." Thorin states, looking down at Bilbo who's still catching his breath on the ground before glancing at me for that last part. I don't meet his eyes. Instead I crouch beside Bilbo with my hand on his shoulder to tell him that Thorin's wrong about him while i bite my tongue as my blood boils at his words to the hobbit. I keep my chin up but my gaze down to hide my eyes that are glowing gold with anger. When I'm sure my eyes are no longer glowing, i help Bilbo to his feet and follow the rest of the company into a nearby cave to make camp in.
'You're welcome." I think as i send a sarcastic smile to Thorin's back. It quickly falls into a disheartened look when i think about Thorin's comment towards me. I had told the group part of my story before we set off and had told them how much i disliked being called a Lannister. Lannisters are cruel, selfish, and greedy. I hate to admit it but it hurt being called one of them. When i told them, i never thought that would be used against me. Shaking off the feelings of hurt and betrayal towards Thorin, my expression turns emotionless when i enter the cave, leaving the emotions at the door.
"Get some sleep. We start at first light." Thorin orders as everyone drops their weapons to get comfortable.
"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us." Balin argues.
"Plans change. Bofur take the first watch." Thorin says before walking off to get some rest.
I take a seat against a wall with my arms and legs crossed, staying awake and alert just in case.
I watch as Bilbo quietly gets up and starts packing his stuff after pretending to be asleep. I keep my head bowed so no one can tell I'm awake but turn it slightly to see Bilbo. Bofur spots him.
"Where do you think you're going?" He questions Bilbo.
"Back to Rivendell." Bilbo says simply.
"No, no, you can't turn back now, eh? You're part of the company. You're one of us, so is Laerornien."
"I'm not, though, am i? Neither of us are." Bilbo disagrees, "Thorin said in should never have come and he was right. I'm a Took. I'm a Baggins. I don't know what i was thinking. I should never have run out my door." Bilbo explains.
I can see Thorin who's maybe three feet away from me, laying awake and listening to Bilbo repeat his harsh words towards himself and i. I can see regret in his eyes when he looks up to see that I'm also awake. I look away from his gaze not able to hold it, the wounds from his words still not healed causing me to miss the apologetic look from the dwarf king. My train of thought is broken when the company tumbles down some sort of slide when the ground beneath us gives way. I can hear the shouts and groans of the dwarves as they land on top of one another. I land beside Thorin as he takes my hand to help me up. The dwarves shout in protest suddenly as we see a large group of goblins hobbling towards us. Grabbing, tugging and pulling at us to drag us to the one in charge, the Goblin King. I'm so distracted that I don't even notice that Thorin has yet to let go of my hand.
The goblins chatter and shriek as they push us along the poorly made wooden bridges until we reach the goblin King sitting on an ugly throne. The fat goblin struggles to his feet, leaning on a staff before questioning us.
"Who would be so bold as to come armed into my kingdom? Spies? Thieves? Assassins?" He cries out.
"Dwarves, your malevolence." A goblin answers, "and an elf?" Says another one unsure, pulling back my hair to reveal my ears which aren't pointed enough to be an elf but not round enough to be human, causing me to whack him across the face and away from me.
"A woman?" The goblin king questions as I'm grabbed and pulled closer to the king, my hand slipping from Thorin's.
"Well don't just stand there, search them, every crack, every crevice." Orders the king. After tossing away the dwarves weapons, having made mine disappear with a charm, he demands to no why we were there. When he receives no answer and demands to bring out something called the mangler and the bonebreaker, Thorin stops him and steps forward.
"Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King under the mountain." He says with a mocking bow. My fists clench at his mockery, I may be mad at Thorin but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate insults. I slightly pull against the two goblins holding me in place.
"Oh but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain, and you're not a king. Which makes you nobody really."
'OH THAT'S IT!' I shift as I lunge towards the goblin king but am stopped when multiple ropes are lassoed around my neck, each being held by multiple goblins to help keep me in place as I thrash around wildly, trying to get at the filthy goblin. I let out a cry in agony as a sharp pain shoots from my left side, I look to see a goblins knife stuck in my skin and fur. I let out another cry when the goblin rips it out, collapsing onto my uninjured side. I faintly hear the dwarves screaming and shouting in protest of what just happened, some of the louder shouts coming from Fili and surprisingly, Thorin before everything goes dark.
    I wake up to one of the worst sounds I've ever heard, the goblin king's singing.
"Bones will be shattered
Necks will be wrung
You'll be beaten and battered
From racks you'll be hung
you'll die down here and never be found
Down in the deep of goblin town." He sings, severely off key.

'Fantastic singing, truly, just amazing, what a nice song to wake up to' i think to myself as I lay in the same place I lost contiousness in, not moving a muscle so I don't draw any attention. One of the goblins takes Thorin's sword and shrieks before tossing it to the ground. The king jumps away from the blade, afraid. He orders his goblin freaks to kill all of us, the dwarves fight back. A blinding white light spreads from an unknown source, knocking the goblins away from me and the company. When it fades, Gandalf approaches, staff and sword in hand.
"Take up arms, fight. Fight!" He incourages. The company picks up any of their weapons they can find, fighting off the charging goblins. I shock all the goblins holding the ropes loosely when I go from laying down 'unconcious' to lunging at a goblin behind Thorin. Thorin turns around, having heard the commotion behind him and nods his head in thanks when he realizes what I did. He quickly cuts my ropes so I can join the fight as our group makes it's way down the wooden bridges, trying to find a way out of the goblin tunnels as we slice, bite and claw our way out. The company comes to a halt when the goblin king comes out of nowhere, blocking our path. I take the lead and lunge at the filthy beast, killing it. The weight on the weak platform causes it to give way as the dwarves cling to the railings, not that it'll help stop out descent into the dark caverns below. I jump off the platform, just before it hits the ground, some of the wood planks collapse onto the dwarves as I chuckle at the sight, well... as well as a wolf can chuckle.
"Well that could've been worse." Says Bofur. Although just as he finishes his sentence, the huge body of the goblin king lands on top of them, causing the group to groan. If I wasn't in my wolf form, I definitely would've laughed out loud.
"You've got to be joking!" Dwalin grumbles loudly.
"Gandalf!" Kili shouts, drawing his attention to the hundreds of goblins climbing down the cave's walls like spiders.
"Only one thing will save us now, daylight. Quickly!" He says helping dwarves to their feet before leading the way out of the caves. I run behind them, slowing only briefly when I catch Bilbo's scent, letting me know he's nearby.
We run as fast as we can down the side of the mountain past thin trees as Gandalf stops to count everyone when he realizes Bilbo isn't with us.
"Where is Bilbo? Where is our hobbit?" He asks as everyone looks around at each other for an answer. I stay calm, able to hear Bilbo coming up behind me on the left side.
"Where is our hobbit!" Gandalf asks louder.
"Curse that halfling, now he's lost?" Dwalin grumbles. I send a glare his way.
"I think I saw him slip away when they first collared us." Dori tells Gandalf.
"And what happened exactly?" Gandalf questions, "Tell me." He demands.
"I'll tell you what happened." Says Thorin. I turn my glare to him, not liking his tone.
"Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it. He has thought of nothing but his soft bed and his warm hearth since first he stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone." Thorin tells the group. I growl at his accusations since I know Bilbo's right behind us. This earns me a disapproving look from Thorin but I don't care as my golden eyes continue to glare at him even when he turns away. A small hand on my shoulder pulls my attention to see Bilbo standing beside me with a small smile for defending him.
"No, he isn't." He says getting the company's attention as they look shocked and surprised. He pats my shoulder before stepping forward as they pepper him with questions, most being variations of how he got past the goblins. Me and Gandalf notice him slip a golden ring into his pocket as he laughs off the questions.
"Oh, what does it matter, he's back." Gandalf says.
"It matters. I want to know. Why did you come back?" Thorin questions Bilbo.
"I know you doubt me. I know you always have. And you're right. I often think of Bag End. I miss my books. And my armchair. And my garden. See that's where I belong. That's home. That's why I came back. ' don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can." Thorin says nothing, moving his gaze to the ground as he lowers his head before glancing back up at Bilbo.
My glare on Thorin softens at Bilbo's words.
The nice moment is ruined by wargs howling in the distance.
'Again, already?' I sigh.

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