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"Look out!" I shout as I push a blurred figure out of the way, taking the shot for them. The figure is so blurred, I can't see any details, not a face, not even the hair color. Darkness takes over my vision as everything goes dark, the blurred figure is the last thing I see.
My eyes flutter open slowly, shutting for a moment to help my eyes adjust to the bright, white surroundings. Sitting up, I'm in a white room, surrounded by a circle of crystal clear pedestals. As I look around, I notice each pedestal has a different floating object above them.
"Welcome." A voice, soft but regal, says behind me. I whip around to be greeted by nothing there. My eyes look around cautiously, trying to figure out where the voice came from.
"Who said that!" I call out. "Why am I here?"
"You were brought here because you are capable of great things. You have been chosen." My eyebrows knit together in confusion.
"Chosen. For what?"
"You are lost."
"Well, I don't know where I am, so yes, I'm lost." I say with a 'duh' tone.
The woman's voice just chuckles softly.
"Your just like your father." The voice mutters quietly but I still hear it snapping my head up in shock.
"My father?" I question, not knowing how this mysterious voice knows my father when I don't remember anything.
"Stand in the center of the circle." The voice commands, their tone still gentle.
"But...I.." I try to speak but nothing comes out after the mention of my father.
"Stand in the center." The voice says again, a little more stern. I take a deep breath before following the directions.

Taking the chance to look closer at each of the pedestals, I take a minute to look at each object above them.
A blue glowing cube, with blue mist around it
A necklace with a fancy M on it
A red hourglass
A large golden glove with different colored stones
A smaller red glove with the same colored stones
Three scales eggs, One black as night, one a darker red, and one a royal blue.
As I stand in the middle, I start to feel a strong pulling, almost longing feeling in my chest. Pulling me towards the last pedestal to my left.
A set of long knives with dark blue stones on the handle and a beautiful bow and arrows behind them.
I move towards the weapons, drawn to them, reaching my hand out to touch the pedestal. Flashes of images appear in my head so I take my hand off of it, breathing heavily.
"What the hell was that?" I say trying to steady my breath.
"Each of the pedestals lead to a different world. It is your job to help them."
"So no pressure." I say with a shrug.
"All you have to do is touch the item to enter the world."
"And do what?" I ask with questions spinning in my mind.
"Help them."
"Great, real specific." I say throwing my hands up. I grab the egg and gasp as everything around me disappears.

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