Chapter eight:

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"It's Oakenshield...that filthy dwarvish usurper. He sent you in here for the Arkenstone, didn't he?" Smaug asks the hobbit.
"No. No, no. I don't know what you're talking about." Bilbo denies.
"Don't bother denying it. I guessed his foul purpose some time ago. But it matters not. Oakenshields quest will fail. The darkness is coming. It will spread to every corner of the land."
"You are being used, thief in the shadows. You were only ever a means to an end. The coward Oakenshield has weighed the value of your life and found it worth nothing." Smaug taunts, trying to cause doubt in Bilbo's mind. I shake my head, dropping the spell.
"No. No, you're lying.", "Liar!" Me and Bilbo shout. Smaug doesn't look too surprised to see me, he probably sensed me somehow.
"What did he promise you? A share of the treasure? As if it was his to give? I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it." Smaug declares. Bilbo and I both make a run for the Arkenstone, the dragon whips his tail, causing both of us to go flying along with a wave of golden coins. I manage to snatch the stone out of the air, holding it to my chest as I tuck and roll when I hit the ground.
"My teeth are swords. My claws are spears. My wings are a hurricane!" Smaug booms, standing tall. His stance uncovers his left side where Bilbo notices a missing scale.
"So it is true. The black arrow found its mark." He whispers to himself.
"What did you say?" Smaug growls, his head snapping in Bilbo's direction.
"I-I was just saying...your reputation proceeds you, oh Smaug the tyrannical. Truely. You have no equal on this earth." Bilbo covers. I smirk, thinking of my own dragons. I get to my feet, looking at the jewel in my hands as Bilbo's gaze finds it too.
"I am almost tempted to let you take it. If only to see Oakenshield suffer. Watch it destroy him. Watch it corrupt his heart...and drive him mad....but I think not. I think our little game ends here. So tell me, do you choose to die?" Smaugs belly glows as he chomps towards Bilbo who puts on the ring and scurries off unseen. Smaug takes a deep breath, releasing his flames. I put up an invisible shield, separating us from the flames as we run. Once we get around a corner, he takes off the ring as I drop the spell. A thunderous roar urges us to keep running back through the halls.
Laerornien and Bilbo run up some stairs to run into Thorin with a sword in hand, having come in to look for them.
"You're alive!" He says relieved.
"Not for much longer." Bilbo says urgently.
"Did you find the Arkenstone?-"
"The dragons coming." I say, panting from the running.
"The Arkenstone. Did you find it?" He asks.
"No. We have to get out." Bilbo's voice is calm as he steps toward the exit behind Thorin but is stopped when he holds his blade across the doorway.
"Thorin." Bilbo says backing up a few steps as Thorin moves the blade to point it at the hobbit.
"Thorin!" I call a little louder than Bilbo's calmer tone. He doesn't answer but has a look on his face I cannot read. He switches the blade, pointing it back and forth between me and Bilbo as he drives us back a few more steps. I place my hand on Bilbo's shoulder, pulling him back with me. Bilbo looks between the exit and the dwarf in front of us as Thorin does the same, narrowing his eyes before looking to the left where Smaug has appeared, Thorin's delay giving him time to find us.
Bilbo and I move backwards to some steps when the rest of the dwarves, come out in front of us, facing the dragon with weapons raised. Smaug roars charging forward.
We all jump off the platform sliding down the golden hill as flames follow, close on our heels. We run through a narrow passage. Thorin and I are the last ones to enter as Smaug's flames catch the back of Thorin's shirt and my left sleeve.
Thorin makes it through first as he rolls to put out the flames while I just walk through, patting my arm.
"Come on." Says Thorin leading us through the halls where Smaug can't follow us.

We stop when we reach a dead end. The way out through the western guardroom is blocked by collapsed rock.
"No...I will not die like this. Cowarding, clawing for breath...we lead him to the forges." Thorin says with new found determination in his voice but still keeping our voices low.
"He'll see us. Sure as death." Dwalin argues.
"Not if we split up." Thorin explains.
"Thorin. We'll never make it." Balin says unsure of this plan.
"Some of us might. Lead him to the forges. We kill the dragon. If this is to end in fire...then we will all burn together."
We divide up, each group going a different direction as Smaug taunts us.
"Flee. Flee! Run for your lives. There is nowhere to hide." He approaches the group with myself, Bilbo, Thorin and Balin.
"BEHIND YOU! WORM!" Ori shouts from another path with his group. Smaug moves to go after them as we take the chance to run.
"HEY, YOU! HERE!" Dwalin yells with his group on a third pathway as they run from the approaching dragon.
Thorin, Balin, Bilbo and I run through a wide empty hall.
"This way! It's this way!" Balin shouts, stopping at a narrower doorway when Thorin runs past it, me and Bilbo stop between them.
"Thorin!" Bilbo shouts after him. He stops, turning to follow us when pounding footsteps pull our attention to the end of the hall behind us where smaug comes around the corner.
"Follow Balin." Thorin orders us. I push Bilbo towards the doorway so Balin can pull him through just in time to miss the flames shooting by us. I watch Thorin run to the other end of the hall, jumping off a ledge above a very high drop with a shout to avoid the flames. He grabs onto a chain, hanging over the cliff by a machine, his weight pulling the chain lower and lower into the hole.
"Thorin!" Dwalin shouts, hitting the machine with his axe to make it reverse, pulling him back up. Smaug turns around now below him, grabbing the chain breaking the machine off the ledge causing Thorin to land on the dragons nose. He quickly leaps to another chain as the falling machine hits Smaug, knocking him away from Thorin. Dori starts the new machine, beginning Thorin's assent. He makes it up just before smaugs fire can get him. I glance at my left arm as I follow Thorin, Bilbo and Balin already gone earlier to continue on their way to the forges. The tears in the fabric allow me to see the black veins are not quite to my shoulder. I shake my head, ignoring the pain as I run after the others.

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