Chapter 269 | Recollections / After Stories

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Part 5: Conclusion

There were around 30 metres between him and the b*stard.

'....Let's do this.'

Soo-Hoh concentrated and in an instant, the flow of time around him seemed to slow down to a crawl, allowing him to see and discover all those little things he hadn't noticed before.

For instance, the sword swung by the black knight. And then, that blue-coloured arc of lightning from the tip of that sword flying towards him in a straight line with a 'flash'.

'So, that's what it was!!'

Finally, he got to see what the powerful attack that ended the fight was, even before he could do anything the last two times. His agility and perception, raised up much higher than before through levelling up, were pushed to their absolute limits.

He dodged the streak of light flying right into his face and took a step forward.


Just one leap, and in that one moment, the distance between him and his target decreased in half by roughly around 15 metres.


The second lightning brushed past the top of his head by a hair's width.

The black knight had quickly changed his posture after sending out the first attack to follow up with his second. Soo-Hoh felt amazed at his opponent's quick reaction as he took another step forward.


The distance between them disappeared in the next instance.


Soo-Hoh clenched his gauntlet-covered fist tightly.

'Now you are in my range.'


It looked as if the black knight tensed up greatly just then, and his emotions travelled through the chilly air to cling to Soo-Hoh's two cheeks.

While inwardly thanking the level up system that pushed his abilities to such an incredible height, Soo-Hoh punched forward, hard.


His fist had broken past the level of a bullet and was more like a cannon shell now, as it crashed into the face of the black knight.


The knight urgently raised his sword to block the incoming gauntlet but in the end, he was powerfully shoved away with both of his feet briefly leaving the ground.


The ends of the black knight's boots broke the stone tiles on the floor and left behind two lengthy gouges as he got shoved back. By the time he finally managed to stop his seemingly-endless travel rearwards...


He realised belatedly that there was a stone pillar behind him.

'D*mn it!'

The black knight became flustered and quickly shifted his gaze back to his front. But then, Soo-Hoh was already there, blocking the view.

'Could he have.... that attack was meant to force me into this very area?'

The black knight was left greatly stunned by his opponent's smart thinking, but still, reflexively moved his sword in the meantime. The aura oozing off the blade as reflected in Soo-Hoh's eyes emitted a chilling blue light.

The boy held his breath for a moment there and smacked the knight's blade slicing down diagonally with the back of his hand, currently safely protected by the metal gauntlet.

[2] Solo LevelingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ