Chapter 231

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The Director of America's Hunter Bureau, David Brennan, was about to go insane with frustration at the moment.

"What did the Korean Hunter's Association say??"

"They haven't made any official announcements yet, sir."

"Then, what the hell are you here for?!"


But, didn't the director summon him into the office? The subordinate could only stand there and blink his eyes. The director's irritation shot up to the top of his head and he loudly yelled out.

"Aren't you supposed to get a reply from the Korean Association President, even if you resort to wringing his neck?! Isn't that your godd*mn job?!"

"I, I'm sorry, sir!"

"Get the hell out of here and find out what the f*ck is going on! Right now!!"

The director chased the Chief of the Intelligence Department out of his office, but, as if his anger hadn't cooled down at all, he continued to seethe for a long time.

The super-massive Gate, judged to be much bigger than the one that appeared in Seoul's skies, had shown up in Canada, an allied nation that shared a border with the United States of America.

It'd not take much time for the flames of destruction spreading from Canada to reach American soil.

In the best possible scenario that he could think of, this Gate crisis would also end in a similar fashion to the one in Seoul's sky. And if the monsters Hunter Seong Jin-Woo commanded fell out from there, then that would be even better.

'However, the real problem is....'

The one holding all the answers, Hunter Seong himself, as well as the Korean Hunter's Association, had been keeping mum until now.

Three hours passed by since the super-massive Gates appeared in various parts of the world. Meanwhile, the American government was demanding an answer from the Hunter Bureau.

'To think, one of the greatest intelligence agencies in America, the Hunter Bureau, has no choice but wait for a reply from the Korean Hunter's Association....'

Just who'd have imagined that such a thing could happen? No wonder the director was anxiously jumping up and down on his spot.


The director continued to spew out one sigh after another before noticing that there was a bleeping light on the phone. He snatched the receiver up and barked at it.

"What is it?!"

– "Sir, Mister President is looking for you."

"Tell him I'm not here."

– "B-but, sir??"


The director slammed the receiver down as if he was throwing it away and dazedly stared at the ceiling. But then, the Chief of the Intelligence Department, the guy he just chased out, breathlessly rushed back inside the office.


"How dare you crawl back into my office already!!"

The director yanked the receiver up in order to throw it, prompting the chief to quickly raise his arms up.

"T-the Korean Hunter's Association has sent us a communique!"

Almost instantly, the director's expression did a 180, with a bright smile now etched on his face.

"You see!! All you had to do was just do it!"

The director put the receiver down and approached the chief.

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