Chapter 209

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The biggest Gate ever to open up on Earth so far had been the one in the United States of America, where Kamish came out of. However, the one in front of everyone's eyes was easily over ten times that.

Was there a need to even measure its rank in such a case?

Unfortunately, someone had to do the job and so, the Hunter's Association had to dispatch a helicopter up there.

The aircraft was being populated by employees who were also Hunters. This was done out of fear that the bodies of the regular employees would not be able to endure against the magical energy emitted by the 'Super-massive Gate' and break down if they got too close.


Pilot and co-pilot, as well as two Association employees, were riding on the helicopter as it flew ever closer to the Gate.

Would being sucked into a black hole feel like this?

Within this shaking hunk of metal flying in the sky, one of the employees stared intently at the gigantic black circle drawing ever closer and asked.

"Senior, have you ever seen anything like that before?"

The sun had set already, and they had to rely on the spotlights attached to the helicopter, but the sheer massive scale of this terrifying Gate still entered their sights with no problem.

The senior employee shook his head.

"No, never. I'm sure no one in this world has seen a Gate this big before."

The entire world was in a great upheaval over this single Gate. Such a thing wouldn't happen just because this particular one appeared in mid-air.

Actually, the world was freaking out by the unbelievable scale of the Gate along with its unique location of being in the air.

If only these employees knew that even Thomas Andre had to doubt his own eyes – they wouldn't even have shared the dumb conversation about anyone seeing a Gate like that before.


While the two men's gazes were stolen away by the Gate and dry saliva continued to slide down their throats, the helicopter arrived near the destination and gradually slowed its rate of ascent.

The co-pilot informed his passengers.

"Getting any nearer than this will endanger the helicopter."

The employees mouthed their understandings and finished getting ready to measure the Gate. Now originally, one would have to stand right next to a Gate in order to measure its rank. However, doing that wasn't necessary this time around.

As soon as the switch was turned on, the measuring device went 'Pop!' and stopped functioning immediately. It was proof that the device couldn't handle the level of magic energy leaking out from the Gate.

It was also an expected result, too.


The employee trying to manipulate the device looked up at the senior employee. The latter nodded his head to express his agreement. The junior employee opened the communication line in order to report the findings to the Association.

It was at that moment that the senior employee staring outside suddenly cried out.

"Be careful!"

The junior employee jumped up in fright and quickly scanned his surroundings.

"W-what was that?!"

"I, I thought I saw something resembling a monster outside...."

"Eh? A monster came out already??"

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