Chapter Fourteen: " Cici cooper!"

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Chapter fourteen:
"Cici cooper!"

Chapter fourteen: "Cici cooper!"

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Taylen sat on the couch during one of the college parties. Oz and Randy were sitting next her, both of them arguing about horror movies.

Taylen's attention was on Mickey and everyone he interacted with. Taylen couldn't just assume that he was working alone.

Mickey could have a partner and it could be anyone.

Everyone's a suspect.

Those were Randy's words from before, a year ago at the blockbuster. Taylen remembered those words clearly.

Anyone could be a suspect. Anyone could be the killer with the right motive or no motive at all.

It's more scarier if the killer doesn't have a motive at all. Taylen doesn't think she has a motive.

Out of the three of them, Billy was the one with the motive. Stu and Taylen just agreed to help him become they love him.

They would do anything for Billy as Billy would do anything for them.

Billy may have a motive but that didn't make him any less scary. He was downright frightening if he wanted to be.

Taylen wondered what Mickey's motive would be.

"-No way! Michael myers would definitely kill Freddy Kruger in a fight!" Randy agrued and Oz rolled his eyes.

"I'm not saying he wouldn't, I'm just saying neither could really win or lose, they're both immoral." Oz agrued and Randy looked up at Taylen.

"Taylen, what do you think? Whose right? Me or Oz?" Randy questioned and Taylen glanced at both of them.

"Both." She replied before looking back at Mickey but he wasn't where he was before.

"You know, you keep staring at me I think you might have a thing for me." Taylen turned her head and saw Mickey standing next to her with a beer in hand and a smirk on his face.

Randy let out a laugh, turning his head to look at Mickey. "In your dreams, Mickey,"

Randy pointed at Taylen with his thumb, "she doesn't have a thing for you."

Taylen grinned, taking the beer from Mickey and taking a small drink from it. "You never know, Randy, he's kinda cute." She winked at him.

Obviously, she didn't like him at all but maybe she could get closer to him.

Mickey chuckled, smiling, "yeah? Well, you're kinda cute too."

"Yuck, flirting." Randy faked gagged and Oz laughed, shaking his head.

"Hey, did you guys hear? The killer might be targeting people who have the same name as everyone who got murdered last year." Oz told the group,

"Really?" Taylen asked, looking down at Oz who nodded ,"yeah,the couple that got murdered last night, their names were Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens."

"Maureen presccot and Steven Orth." Randy said, glancing at Taylen. "Those were one of the few that got murdered last year, right?" Mickey questioned

Taylen huffed out a small chuckle, "yeah, well, Maureen presccot was murdered in 1995, a year before all the murders, she was the first to go, then it was Steven Orth, after Steve was Casey Becker."

"And after Casey Becker, it was principal himbry, then that cameraman -" "kenny." Taylen cut off Randy who nodded.

"Yes, Kenny. Gale's camera man." Taylen shook her head ,"you got the order wrong," she told him.

"It was Tatum riley before Kenny. If the killer was killing in order then the next person that will die is someone whose name is close to Casey." Taylen said, and Oz snapped his fingers gaining attention.

"Cici cooper!" He said, and Taylen raised an eyebrow , "what about her?"

"Her name is Casey Cooper, but everyone calls her Cici. She could be the next person the killer kills." Oz explains

"Where is she?" Taylen questioned and Mickey chuckled ,"well, she's at the house in front,"

"If you excuse me, I need more beer." Mickey walked away from the group.

"What's with that face?" Randy questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Well, I think Mickey is the killer and I know that he isn't gonna get another beer. I'm gonna follow him." She stood up, patting Randy on the shoulder.

"Are you insane?" Randy asked, and Taylen looked at him, smirking.


Taylen walked away from Randy and Oz. She walked through the crowd of people, smoothly dodging everyone. Her eyes landed on Mickey who was leaving the party.

She was quick to follow him, being silent.

She watched him put on the Ghostface costume and she grinned to herself, she was right about him being the killer.

Taylen decided to head back to the party so Mickey wouldn't figure out that she followed him.

- -

Mickey had went back to the party after killing Cici cooper. His eyes scanned the crowd before they landed on Taylen who was drinking beer and cracking jokes with Randy and Oz.

Mickey always thought she was an odd one. She definitely had a secret about her.

She was different yet same as most girls. His eyes caught Taylen's and Taylen looked at him like she knew his secret.

Like she knew everything about him. He wondered if she did. He wondered if she was just like him.

"Someone's been murdered!" People rushed out of the house to go see.

Mickey followed and he stood next to Taylen.

Taylen drank some of her beer, "getting some major deja'vu here." Randy commented

Taylen glanced at Mickey who was staring at the scene in front of him.

She had to take care of him before he becomes a problem.


Word count - 908

Hope you enjoyed!

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