Chapter five : "I'll send you a copy"

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Chapter five :
"I'll send you a copy."


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Sidney was at the police station with Billy and Tatum. Both were comforting her, "Sid, are you sure that you're okay?" Tatum questioned and Sidney nodded.

"Yeah, just a bit shaken up that's all." Sidney replied, smiling a little as she held Billy's hand.

Tatum looked over at Billy who's been quiet the whole time but it wasn't much of a surprise. Billy wasn't much of a talker.

"What were you doing there anyway?" Tatum questioned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I was out for a walk when I heard screaming coming from Sid's house." Billy replied, repeating what he said to the cops.

Tatum narrowed her eyes at him. "You don't live in Sidney's neighborhood." Sidney turned her head and looked at Billy.

"Yeah, Billy. You don't live in my neighborhood, what were you doing out of there?" Sidney questioned, pulling her hand away from Billy's.

Billy glanced down at his hand before he scoffed under his breath. "Seriously? You're accusing me of attacking you?"

"What? No, we're just wondering, Billy. It would be a long walk from your house to my house." Sidney told him and Billy let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair.

"Tay lives in your neighborhood, Sidney. A couple blocks down from you, remember? I was over at her house along with Stu." Billy explained.

"Why were you at her house in the first place?" Tatum questioned, her tone was accruing and Billy narrowed his eyes at her.

"We were watching a movie that Randy insisted we watch, we decided to watch it at Taylen's house since her house was closer, but," Billy trailed off.

"But?" Tatum pressed on and Billy clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"But," He mocked, "her mom came home, drunk as Fuck and started yelling and shit, throwing stuff around. Taylen practically kicked us out of the house,"

"Stu stuck around outside just in case Tay needed him." Billy told them and Tatum huffed.

"That doesn't explain why you were outside of Sidney's house." Tatum said, and Billy stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

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