Chapter Twelve : "The movie completely sucks!"

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Chapter Twelve :
"The movie completely sucks!"


Music was heard coming from a dorm room. Taylen followed the music and reached the dorm room.

Boys stopped and stared at her, but she leaned against the doorframe, watching the band play. Her eyes focused on the young man playing the guitar.

The band stopped playing after a few minutes, and Taylen slowly clapped her hands, gaining their attention.

"Wow, that was something," She said, lifting her hand and waving, "Hi, Oz."

"Taylen!" Taylen had arms around her, Ozzy."Oz" Meeks, the cousin of Randy meeks and childhood friend of Taylen.

Taylen hugged him back ,"I missed you, Oz. It hasn't been the same since you moved away." Taylen said, pulling back, and Oz smiled at her.

"How have you been since you know?" Oz questioned, and Taylen shrugged, "you know me."

Oz nodded ,"Right, wanna get out of here?" Taylen wrapped an arm around his shoulders, grinning down at him.

"Come on." Oz looked over at his bandmates, who looked shocked ,"See you guys later."

Taylen looked over at Oz bandmates and she winked at them before walking out of the room with Oz.

"So, how's the kid?" Oz questioned, glancing at Taylen, and Taylen threw him a glance before she let out a small laugh.

"She's a daddy's little girl. Little brat prefers Billy. She's lucky she's cute." Taylen said, and Oz huffed out a laugh.

"So, they're around?" Taylen nodded , humming ,"Yeah, how have you been doing?" She questioned

"Oh, I'm doing great, I made a band," Oz replied, "I remember that we used to talk about making a band."

"Oh, yeah! Stu on the drums, Billy on the bass guitar, me as the lead singer, and you on the guitar, and Randy as our manager, " Taylen said with a laugh

"We were so high when we came up with that idea." Oz laughed ,"You were high with Stu, Billy, and I were completely sober, Billy shot down that idea faster than he shot Randy."

Taylen burst out laughing, "That's true." She suddenly became serious, and she looked at Oz.

"What do you know about Mickey altieri?" She questioned, and Oz raised an eyebrow but answered anyway.

"He's an exchange student. He's in the film club, and the dude is obsessed with sequels. He's Randy's roommate, and he has this weird vibe to him. Why do you ask?" Oz questioned

"Because he has this weird vibe to him," Taylen replied, using Oz words, "I just met him, but there is something off about him."

"What are you gonna do?" Oz asked, and Taylen chuckled ,"what I always do."

That didn't give much information, but Oz just nodded his head. He learned a long time ago to stop asking questions and just go along with it.

"So, have you heard about the Stab movie?" Oz suddenly questioned, and Taylen shook her head.

"No, living under Rader, remember?" She said, and he nodded, "Right, I forgot. Stab is based on the book that Gale weathers wrote about the murders in woodsboro," Oz told her

"The movie completely sucks! They killed off your character by the end of the movie in the worst way possible! And don't get started on the script, God, it was just horrible," Oz said, shaking his head.

"If I was the director, I would've made it better and actually picked out the cast that looks like the people they're playing as." Oz sighed, and Taylen scoffed,

"Please tell that the actor that played me was hot?" She questioned, and Oz smiled at her.

"She doesn't even fit in the hot category." Taylen groaned ,"Seriously, now I have to see the movie."

"Well, you are in luck. They're playing the movie tonight." Oz replied, and Taylen smirked.

"Tonight, huh? Well, I could use a little fun tonight." She said, and Oz hummed, "your going alone?"

Taylen nodded, "Yeah," she teasingly grinned at him, "I don't want you to torture yourself again."

Oz let out a mocking laugh ," Ha, ha. That movie does suck."

"Not tonight."

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Taylen and Oz walked over to Sidney and her friends, the two of whom were laughing at their jokes.

"Look at that, Oz has a girlfriend." Hallie McDaniels said, eyeing Taylen, who pushed Oz away ,"Ew, me date him? As If, that's I'm saying, as if."

Oz nodded ,"Yeah, ew. I wouldn't date her even if she was the last girl on earth."

"Hi, I'm Derek." Derek introduced himself, stretching his hand out for a handshake.

Taylen looked at his hand before she shook it, her grip a bit tight. "I'm Taylen."

"As in Taylen stark?" Hallie questioned, and Taylen nodded, letting go of Derek's hand, and she sat down next to Sidney.

"He is cute." She winked at Sidney, who blushed as Derek heard. He slightly blushed as well, smiling.

"Tay, what are you doing tonight?" Randy questioned, and Taylen hummed, stealing a fruit from him.

"I'm gonna go watch Stab." She replied, and Randy shook his head. "Don't, that movie sucks ass."

Taylen chuckled, "Yeah, Oz told me." Randy looked at Oz. "Why would you tell her?I wanted to."

Oz shrugged, "cause I want to." Randy narrowed his eyes at Oz before looking at Taylen.

"Who's going with you?" He questioned, "Nobody." Taylen replied

"Oh, so you are just gonna what? Walk at night by yourself? You, whose a woman." Randy said, and Taylen titled her head to the side,

"What? Are you saying that I need a mam to accompany me?" She questioned, and Randy nodded.

"Yes, so I am going with you." Randy told her, and Taylen let out a small snort.

"Okay, but we need a man to accompany us." She said, making the group laugh while Randy looked at her offended.

"I'll come with you guys. We still need to finish that interview, you promised." Mickey spoke up, and Taylen looked at him, nodding her.

It was a way to keep an eye on Mickey. She didn't trust him. Something was off about him, and she was gonna find out what it was.


Word count - 1013

Hope you enjoyed

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Seth Green as Ozzy "Oz" Meeks.

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