Chapter Thirteen : "making money off our trauma."

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Chapter Thirteen :
"Making money off our trauma."


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The movie theater was packed with so many people. There was people dressed as Ghostface due to the employees handing out the costume.

Many others didn't wear the whole thing, just the masks, others didn't wear the costume at all.

"Can you believe they're making money off our trauma?" Randy questioned, shaking his head and Taylen looked at him with a small grin.

"You're just pissed because they're not giving you money." She told him and he scoffed,

"They should give us money!" He exclaimed, "I mean, we almost got murdered, shouldn't we get paid because without us, their wouldn't be a movie, and they wouldn't be making money off our trauma."

"You should definitely sue the company, or something." Taylen suggested, and Randy nodded ,"I might do that,"

"Where's Mickey?" Randy suddenly questioned and Taylen looked around, not finding Mickey at all.

"He was with us before we sat down." Taylen replied, having a bad feeling about this.

She cursed herself, she should've kept a better eye on Mickey. "Maybe we should check on him." Randy suggested, standing up and Taylen nodded.

There was a commotion that caught Taylen's and Randy's attention, there was lady and it looked like she was dying.

"Dramatic much?" Taylen said, laughing as the lady finally died. "I think that was real, Tay." Randy told her.

Taylen hummed, "still needed more work on her death, let's find Mickey and make sure he isn't dead."

"You think he got butchered?" Randy questioned and Taylen shrugged, "one way to find out."

Randy and Taylen walked out, dodging everyone. They were being pushed and shoved.

Taylen's arm was grabbed before she was pulled out of the Crowd. "Hey, what the hell is going on?" It was Mickey.

Taylen shrugged his hand off from her arm, fixing her jacket, "Some woman got murdered in the theater, fucking ironic getting murdered during the stab premiere, where were you?" She questioned

"I was in the bathroom." Mickey replied and Taylen raised an eyebrow at him, crossing her arms, totally not believing him.

"Really?" Mickey looked down at her, "yeah, I was, what are you implying here?" He asked, and Taylen shrugged.

"Just saying." She said as Randy came over to them. "Jeez, these people act like they never seen a dead body before." He said, shaking his head.

"We should head out."

- -

Taylen knew something was up with Mickey. Something about him didn't seem right.

She sigh, shaking her head before she walked into the house that she had gotten under her name.

It wasn't close to the college but it wasn't far either. It was a two story house with a basement. The house wasn't big but it was enough.

She snapped her head towards the stairs as she heard footsteps. "Tay, you're late." It was Billy.

Taylen walked over to him, wrapping her arms around him, and he placed his hands on her hips.

"Sorry about that. I went to the movie theater with Randy to watch Stab that was based on the book that Gale Weathers wrote," Taylen quietly told him, running her fingers through his hair.

"Somebody got murdered." Billy hummed, placing a small kiss to her neck.

"Guess the movie sucked, huh?" Taylen chuckled ,"it did but I wasn't the one who killed her,"

Billy's eyes met hers, "I think there's another killer in the campus and I have a pretty good idea who it could be."

"This person gonna be a problem?" Billy questioned and Taylen shook her head, "No, I'll deal with him before he ruins our plan, oh and guess who I met today."

"Who?" Billy asked, "Oz, he was at the college and he has a band now, reminds me of that time, we came up with the idea of forming a band."

Billy scoffed, "yeah, I shot down that idea." Taylen let out a quiet laugh.

"Yeah, are Stu and Sam sleeping?" Taylen questioned and Billy nodded.

"Yeah," He smiled, chuckling a bit ,"She preferred Stu today. I think she was mad at me, I have no idea why, they're upstairs."

"Let's join them, I had a really long day." Taylen said, and Billy nodded. "Yeah, sure, can we talk for a minute though?"

Taylen looked at him confused, "what is it?" She questioned, and Billy sighed.

"It just, I'm worried, you know? You're alone and you don't have anyone watching your back." Billy told her, rubbing circle around her hip with his thumb.

"I'll be fine, Billy, plus, I am not alone." Billy scoffed, "Randy doesn't count, and neither does Oz, we haven't heard from Oz in two years, how do I know we can trust him?"

"You do remember the part where he helped us murder Maureen presccot, right?" Taylen asked and Billy slightly chuckled.

"I remember him waiting outside of the car as our getaway driver, Tay." Billy replied, and Taylen sighed.

"Look, I will be fine, you know me, Billy. You know I won't take unnecessary risk, I'm careful." Taylen told him and Billy huffed.

"Yeah, that I know but I also know that you could be a little reckless, Taylen." Billy told her, placing a small kiss to her jaw.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful?" Billy quietly asked and Taylen nodded her head, leaning closer, her lips inches away from his.

"I promise." She whispered before kissing him, and Billy instantly kissed her back before the two broke apart as they heard baby crying coming from upstairs.

"Look like Sam's awake." Billy mumbled with a smile on his face. "Well, let's go check on her. I'm sure, she and Stu will be happy to see that I'm back."

Taylen knew she had to take care of Mickey sooner than later, He could be after her family for all she knows, plus, he was a copycat.

She'll deal with him soon. She just hoped that he doesn't fuck up Billy's plan.

Hopefully everything goes according to plan, and maybe this time, Sidney would die.


Word count - 1005

Hope you enjoyed!

Smells Like Teen Spirit|| Scream 1996 || Billy loomis & Stu MacherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant