Chapter Seven : Everybody's a suspect

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Chapter Seven:
"Everybody's a suspect."


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Taylen and Stu were at the blockbuster after school was canceled because of the killer who attacked Sidney in the bathroom.

Stu was going to throw a party later that night, but they needed movies. Somehow, Stu was able to convince Tatum and Sidney to go to the party.

"Hey, baby, check it out." Stu said, nudging Taylen and gesturing his head towards Randy.

Taylen grinned ,"A perfect opportunity for a little payback, don't'cha think?" Stu laughed before he went over to Randy, slapping the movies out of his hands.

"Watch it!" Randy exclaimed as Taylen came up behind him, looking at the movies.

"This place is packed tonight, huh." She said, and Randy nodded ,"Yeah, we had a run in the mass murder section."

"comin' to my Fiesta?" Stu questioned, leaning against the shelf, propping his elbow on the top, and resting his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Yeah, I'm off early," Randy replied with a nod, snatching a movie from Taylen.

"Curfew, you know?" Stu nodded ,"cool." A young girl came up to Randy, and Taylen went over and stood next to Stu, hiding a movie in her jacket, sharing a mischievous smile with Stu.

"Now, that's poor taste." Randy's voice made the couple turn to look at him, but he wasn't looking at them.

The couple turned and saw Billy with a couple of girls.

"What?" Stu asked, looking back at Randy, who huffed.

"If you were an only suspect in a senseless bloodbath...would you be standing in the horror section?" Randy questioned, and Taylen scoffed.

"Billy didn't do it." Randy rolled his eyes, "Sidney said he did it, so he did it."

"It was just a misunderstanding," Stu said, "he didn't do anything."

"You are such a little lapdog," Randy told Stu. He pointed to Billy, "he's got killer printed all over his forehead."

"Okay!" Stu chuckled, "what if he is the killer? Why would he try to kill his own girlfriend?"

"There's always some bullshit reason to kill your own girlfriend." Randy replied


"It's the beauty of it all : simplicity." Randy said ,"Besides, if it gets too complicated, you'll lose your target audience." He added

"Well, what's his reason?" Taylen questioned, playing along,

"Maybe Sidney wouldn't have sex with him." Randy answered, Taylen and Stu shared a look.

Stu chuckled ,"What? Is she savin' herself for you?"

Randy shrugged, "Maybe," he leaned closer to the couple and spoke in a lower voice.

"Now that Billy tried to mutilate her, you think she'll go out with me?" Randy questioned, and Stu laughed, shaking his head.

Stu's expression turned serious, "No, I don't, like at all." Taylen chuckled.

"No." Randy sighed in disappointment, and Stu leaned forward, "You know how I think it is?"

"I think it's her father, man, "stu said, "Why can't they find her pops, man?"

"Because he's probably dead," Randy told him

"His body will come poppin' up in the last reel somewhere!" Randy exclaimed

"Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!" He kept going

"- See, the police are always off track with this shit."

"- Man!" Taylen and Stu shared an amused looked, chuckling to themselves as Randy rambled.

"If they'd watch "Prom Night," they'd save time,"

"There's a formula to it." His voice got louder with each word

"A very simple formula! Everybody's a suspect! I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy." Randy said, and the couple spotted Billy behind Randy.

"How do we know you're not the killer?"Billy spoke up, and Randy turned around

"- Hi, Billy." Randy nervously said as Billy grabbed the collar of his shirt.

"- Maybe your movie-freaked mind lost its reality button," Billy said, glaring at him

"You ever think of that?" Randy nodded his head

"You're absolutely right, I'm the first to admit it - If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect." Randy told him, and Billy nodded

"- That's right, And what would be your motive?" Billy questioned

"It's the millennium. Motives are incidental." Randy replied

"Millennium, Millennium, I like that." Billy said, "That's good."

"It's the millennium." Randy repeated

"Good kid." With that, Billy walked away

"Millennium." Good word, my man." Stu chuckled, shaking his head

"Are you telling me that's not a killer?" Randy questioned, looking at the couple.


- -

Taylen climbed the side of Billy's house, stopping at his window. She saw him sitting on the edge of his bed. She was alone since Stu had gone home to get ready for the party.

She tapped against the window, and Billy lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers, and Taylen blew her breath on the window, fogging it up, and she drew a heart with her fingers

She smiled at Billy, who smiled back before opening the window and helping Taylen inside.

Billy wrapped her arms around her, hiding his face in her neck, breathing in her scent.

"Are you okay?" Taylen questioned, running her hands through Billy's hair.

Billy hummed, nodding his head. "Yeah."

Taylen pressed a kiss to his head before she pulled out the movie that she hid in her jacket, Billy lifted his head.

"What that?" Taylen grinned, "this? Oh, I stole this from the Blockbuster. It's your favorite movie."

"Psycho." Billy took the movie and smiled, "wanna watch it? We have like four hours before the party starts."

Taylen jumped on his bed, "thought you never ask."

Billy chuckled. "Guess I'll be making the popcorn as well."


Word count - 915

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