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"I don't want to know," Annabeth said softly, looking between the two teens.

"Have a seat," Hermes insists. Percy sits down on the chair. Mel goes right next to him and continues hugging him. He tries pushing her off but she only giggles and hugs him closer. Percy sighs.

"I remember you, you were there," Hermes points at Annabeth. "The last time I saw Luke.

"Yes. I saw you argue. I heard what he said. That what happened to his mom was your fault. That it was all your fault. That he hated you. Help us get to the Underworld. Help us retrieve Zeus's master bolt from Hades and he'll see that you care."

Hermes hesitates for a moment, "There is a way into the Underworld. A secret way. I've helped others find it before. And do you know what happens every time? I mean, every single time. You don't want my help, trust me."

"No we actually kinda do," says Percy.

"I was warned to stay away from Luke and his mother. Warned that no matter how much I tried to help, I would just make things worse. And I went anyway. And it wasn't just awful for Luke. It was awful for all of us. Do you know what that feels like?" Hermes leans in closer to the three, "To be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other?" He reaches out to put his hand on Percy's, "I know you do."

When he removes his hand, Percy looks around, scared. Mel looks at him and pokes his cheek, Percy wacking her hand away quickly after.

"Should I remind you too?" Hermes reaches out of Annabeth's arm, but she retracts it once he gets close.

"I remember just fine," she says in a whisper. "Are you gonna help you or not?"

"I don't get involved anymore. It's just not worth it. I'm sorry."

Annabeth shakes her head with a grin. She inhales, "Then this was all just a waste of time. And we don't have time to waste." Annabeth stands up from her chair and walks away.

"She's right to be angry," says Hermes. "It isn't fair. None of it is."

"Thanks. That's super helpful." Percy begins to stand up.

"It was your father who warned me to stay away. Said it was awful watching you struggle and feel powerless to stop it. But that sometimes... that's what parenting is." Percy sits back down as Hermes spoke.

"I was supposed to see him. He said he'd meet me in Santa Monica. Why would he say that if he thinks it'll make things worse?"

"It is... very hard for a god to feel powerless. I guess we're all just doing the best we can," says Hermes. Percy stands up, Mel standing up with him.

"Makes you feel any better, it won't be much use now anyway."

Percy turns around, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Hermes scrunches his face and looks at his watch.


Percy runs through the bar area, stopping at the entrance next to Annabeth. "We have a huge problem. I know it seems like we've only been here for like 20 minutes, but it's already Thursday. We've been here for days. Time moves differently here. Faster. Every second in here is like minutes outside."

"Hermes let us sit at that table the whole time, knowing the clock was running out on our quest," Annabeth realizes.


"Then I feel a lot better about having stolen his keys."

"Exactly," Percy pauses. "Wait, what?"

She holds up the keys. "Got invisible. Picked his pocket."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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