Jin-Woo's heart that regained its calm a few seconds ago began racing faster and faster again.

'Just one... person?'

All the hair on the back of his head stood up. Jin-Woo's voice rose up really high.

"The hair colour!"

Adam said that his current location was quite far away from the Hunters. In that case, it'd be impossible for him to see the creepy eyes of that non-human creature.

"What is the hair colour of that person??"

– "H-hang on...."

Adam's voice of borrowing special equipment from an agent nearby could be heard for a brief moment then.

– "Black and red colours are mixed together... It's reddish black."

Oh my god.

Jin-Woo's eyes widened.

"Adam! Run away from there, now!! Doesn't matter if it's a car, whatever, get on it, and escape from there right now!!"

– "Pardon me??"

Before Adam could ask what was going on here...


A loud explosion so horrifying that its brutality could be heard even through the phone's speaker resounded out next.

– "Oh, dear lord!!"

Adam's voice had transformed into a scream now.


As if he had regained his wits for a brief moment there from Jin-Woo's shout, Adam began muttering in a tearful voice.

– "H-Hunters....!! The top-ranked Hunters in the front row all got turned into charcoal in less than a second!! T-the flames burning on their bodies are still raging on!! Oh, my god!!"

"Adam! Adam, listen to me! It's going to be alright, so start running now! You gotta escape from there as soon as possible!"

Jin-Woo tried to calm Adam down, but unfortunately, the American agent seemed half-crazed by then.

– "Oh, Jesus...."

Even though he began sobbing softly, he still explained everything he could see and hear to Jin-Woo as if doing that was his final duty.

– "Dragons, Dragons from the sky.... Dragons and other monsters are pouring down endlessly from the Gate!! All sorts of monsters mixed in the horde!! Ah, ah, how could something like this even be....."

The emotions of sorrowful determination could be heard from his voice.

Jin-Woo couldn't just sit back and listen anymore; despite the risk, he connected his senses with the Shadow Soldier inserted into Adam's shadow.

When he did, he got to see the spectacle the American agent got to see, as well.

It was as if he was seeing the scenes of the apocalypse.

From the wide-open Gate, messengers of death and destruction were pouring out in droves, dyeing the heavens black. The skies and the ground were being rapidly filled up by horrifying monsters. The roars of beasts rocked the world, and the flying creatures and their powerfully-beating wings dominated the sky.

Hunters gathered here to fight against them had all been turned into ash even before the creatures landed on Earth from a single flick of the Sovereign of Destruction's hand, who had arrived before everyone else.

The remaining people were trying to run away in pure pandemonium, but unfortunately, their odds of escaping from there seemed pretty dismal at this point.

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