Chapter Thirty-One

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"You filthy rodent," The monarch screamed. "How dare you help them."

Hemlock was pinned in the corner of the room, the monarch's face two inches from his own. "You helped her leave. I made it obvious that she was to stay."

"She is married to the prince now," Hemlock said. "You should respect his wishes."

"He threatened my kingdom and our traditions."

"Crux is not a tradition," Hemlock said. "You are the only ruler to do it. You made it up."

"It is still tradition. If we end this for them, what is next? Will they destroy the monarchy?"

"If you do not end it, they will declare war on us."

"Then so be it. I can win a war."

"My Monarch," Two guards said as they entered, dragging the king behind them. "We have apprehended one of the people who tried to escape."

"Please," The king said. "We did not mean any harm. If you release me, I will go find my son and bring your daughter back to you. You have to understand that my son has a mind of his own sometimes. I am sure we can sort this out. Then we can go back to discussing the ending of Crux."

"Or you can stay here until I find my daughter, then I can throw you out once I do."

"I am sure we can come up with a better solution than that," The king said.

"Mother," Hemlock said, his head down. "If I may be permitted to speak."


"Send him out to find his son and Eris, but do not send him alone. Send hidden soldiers with him. When he finds them, they can surround them and bring Eris back."

Eris please forgive me.

The monarch glared at the king. "Let that be done then," She said. "You have three days."


It was becoming more difficult with every passing hour for Aldric to force his body to work with him.

He could tell that his friends noticed.

He gritted his teeth as he walked out of the camp. He needed to get out and do something. He had spent the last four days in camp taking care of everyone.

"Aldric," Leif said, running up to him. "Where are you headed?"

"I am off to collect some wild pears," he said. "I was told that there was a cluster of trees a little way into the forest."

"Do you want me to come with you."

"No, I am good."

"Are you sure that is a good idea?"


"Aldric," Leif said, the friendliness leaving his voice. "I do not think it is a good idea for you to leave the camp right now. And if I am being honest with you, I do not think it was a good idea for you to leave your cabin this morning."


"Aldric, I think you are sick."

"I am fine."

"Aldric please, for the love of Cygnus, admit it to yourself."

"I am fine," Aldric said with finality. "I am leaving to go get some pears. Will you please let me go enjoy myself for two seconds!"

Leif took a step back.

"Okay. Okay."

Aldric stalked off towards the woods, or rather he walked slowly because he could not find the energy in himself to stalk off.

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