Chapter Nine

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Hemlock had both made and thrown away a list of things he wanted to do when he was finally released. Now he only wanted two things. One, he wanted to talk to his tiny brother again, he wanted to tease him again. Two, he wanted to hear his sister's voice, which had recently stopped talking to him through his door.

Only one good thing had come from Hemlock's forced isolation. He had found a new way to distract himself from his troubles and studies. It was sketching.

He had become bored one day and found himself trying to draw out the long dead flowers on his desk. After that he tried to draw things like his bed, window, and the banner on the wall. He started to get rather good at it too, he could actually recognize what he sketched.

Then he ran out of ink.

It was back to boredom for him.


They zipped through the pathways, taking as many turns as they could manage, trying to avoid the hands that were trying to pull them into the depths of their cells.

Their progress was slower than any of them really wanted. They all had to practically drag each other. Aldric was never much of a runner, and Randolf and Leif had been cooped up in their cells.

It took them twice as long to get to the garbage hole than it had taken Aldric to get to Randolf's cell.

They jumped down without a single thought of hesitation.

None of them landed gracefully. Leif managed to land on his feet, but had immediately fallen backwards after slipping on some sort of thick liquid.

Randolf had landed on his side, his ribcage hitting a rusted bucket with a sickening thud.

Aldric tried to catch himself as he fell, winding up on his hands and knees in a pile of decomposing, sticky, foul smelling food.

He forced himself to stand and peel the food off of him.

"Are you alright Randolf?" Aldric hollered.

"I think so," Randolf called back. "I mean, I smell like sewage and my ribs hurt like hell, but I am alive."

"Could have been worse," Leif laughed, pointing at a bird pecked skull, "We could have landed on human remains."

No one laughed at the comment.

They probably all knew someone who was here, someone who did not even get a gravestone, someone who would be forgotten.

Criminals get gravestones. Criminals get remembered.

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