Chapter Twenty Four

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The summit had been declared a success by King Peirs. Almost all the other kingdoms had agreed to side with Evirome if they could not convince Queen Kazamia to change her ways.

They had also all agreed never to call Queen Kazamia the Monarch again. Calling her the Monarch painted her too much like an unchangeable God, a God who was perfect.

They would also never turn a blind eye to what she was doing with her kingdom. They would no longer pretend that they saw and heard nothing.

Eris had played an important role in the summit, filling them in the on the state of Roterin. Her tales were ones that brought horror and shame into the court.

The other kingdoms had always had some suspicion of Roterin, but they had never cared to investigate. Now they knew that thousands of people had perished due to their negligence.

The Monarchy of Karnevil was the first to agree to join them. They had already allowed a rebel group into their borders. They had already known they were taking risks. They were saving their own skin by joining Evirome.

The second kingdom to join them was Contra. The impoverished people who had lived near their border had been sneaking in for years to steal from them. They had long given up trying to keep them out. They saw the alliance as a solution.

The other leaders had to return back to their countries to discuss with their respective advisers before making their decision, but they had great hope in Coniugere, for the leader seemed convinced he would sway the rest of his court to their cause.

It was time for Eris to return to Roterin, but this time with Thaddeus and King Piers at her side. She would also be returning as a princess of both Roterin and Evirome.

Her mother had very little power over her now.

She intended to keep it that way.


Hemlock wanted to vomit.

Five months ago he had been forced to marry the wretched bitch that was Lady.... Princess... Elizabeth.

He was still stuck in the small summer castle with her. Forced to spend every waking moment doing whatever she demanded of him. If she wanted breakfast he would have to go get it. If she wanted to go on a walk, he had to go with her. He was sure that if she wanted to stab him, he would have to let her.

The most repeated request was that she wanted an heir. A child.

He did not want to sleep in the same building as her, let along the same bed, but she had demanded a child, and according to the Monarch, he had to either provide or lose his inheritance, the throne, and he would end up a criminal like his brother.

The idea of losing the throne and joining his brother seemed like a better idea everyday, but Hemlock knew it would never happen. He had to get the throne, he had to set things right, for Eris and for Aldric... even if that meant throwing his own happiness out the window into a deep sea trench never to be retrieved.

The first couple of weeks he had tried to stay as far away from her as possible. He had gone on long walks alone. He had decided that polishing up his sword work was suddenly necessary and important.

It had all worked out in his favor. That was until Princess Elizabeth handed him an angry letter from the Monarch that stated how she disapproved of how he was treating his new wife. The Monarch had threatened that if he did not get his act together she would have to give his inheritance to Princess Elizabeth, as compensation for her troubles. Then she would have to send him away like she had done to Eris, but he would not leave to marry, he would go to join their military.

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