Chapter Eighteen

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Hemlock tried to remain civil around his new… fiancée. She had been thrilled when he proposed. Then, within the hour, she started planning their loathly wedding.

He was gritting his teeth and trying not to scream.

He would have to spend the rest of his life with this narcissistic, unloyal bitch.

“Hemlock,” Lady Elizabeth said, poking him with a letter opener.

“Hum?” He said.

“I asked you a question.”


“Green,” She said, clearly irritated, “I am not asking for a color, I am asking about flowers. Pay attention.”


“We are not having Wolfsbane at my wedding,” She said hotly.

Hemlock shrugged. “I think wolfsbane looks fine.”

Lady Elizabeth sighed, “What about roses? Roses are nice.”

“If they are black roses.”

“You would have to kill me first.”

Hemlock had to stop himself from retorting. His mother was in the room and would threaten him again if he did, or worse, go through with the threat.

“How about you just choose and I will be happy with whatever you pick,” Hemlock lied.

“Garden roses it is then,” She said.


Thaddeus was forced to halt at the castle gates.

“Excuse me,” He said. “I need to speak with your monarch. It is rather urgent.”

“You are not allowed an audience with our Monarch at this point in time if you do not have proof of an appointment,” A faceless guard said.

“How do I get one?”

“The Monarch will send you one if she wishes to speak to you.”

“Are you saying that the monarch only speaks to those she wishes to speak to?”


“Is that not unproductive?”

The guards went silent.

“I am sure she would not mind if I intruded, it would only take a moment.”


Thaddeus sighed. “I am truly sorry to be a bother, but I need to speak with her.”

“You cannot have an audience with the esteemed Monarch if you do not have an appointment.”

Thaddeus was quickly losing his patience. “I am Prince Thaddeus Bonum, the heir to the throne of Evirome, betrothed to Eris Malum, and I demand an audience with your monarch.”

A broad shouldered man exited the castle and approached the gate.

“What is going on here?” He asked the guards.

“I am tri-”

“I did not ask you,” The man said, irritated, then he turned back to the guards. “Now one of you better explain what the hell is going on here. The sight of a peasant at the gates is annoying my mother.”

“Our deepest apologies,” One of the faceless guards said. “This man claims to be the heir to Evirome and he is demanding he have an audience with our esteemed Monarch.”

The man let out a laugh, turning to Thaddeus, “Nice try boy,” he said. “But we all know Evirome would never bother to come here, but if you really are the Heir, feel free to do me a favor and tell my sister hello for me.”

He turned to walk away.

“Eris is part of the reason I am here,” Thaddeus shouted. “I need to speak with your monarch because one of your prisoners escaped and tried to assassinate us both. I need to-.”

The man whipped around and grabbed Thaddeus by the collar, causing him to be thrown into the bars of the gates.

“What. The. Fuck. Happened. To. Eris.”

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