Chapter Eight

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Aldric gagged as he reached the top of the tunnel, somehow it smelled even more horrendous at the top than it did at the bottom.

All around the entrance there were piles of food scraps, human wastes, and bodies waiting to be dumped in.

He sprinted out of the room as fast as he could. He was greeted by the rancid dungeon air, which felt, and smelled, like fresh air compared to the room he was just in.

Aldrin took a quick look around, trying to figure out where exactly he was in the dungeon.

He ran to Randolf's cell.

When he got there, Randolf was curled up in a ball in the corner, asleep.

Aldric tried to open the door, it didn't budge. He shook the bards, but nothing happened.

Aldric punched the bars in frustration before he started rummaging through his bag.

The doors are almost always unlocked when no one can go in the dungeon. The monarch thinks if she does that the prisoners will kill each other. Why does it have to be this time that they are f*cking locked.


Aldric's head shot up, his hands still rifling through his bag.

Randolf was staring at him, his face bloodied and bruised.

Aldric finally found what he needed. "Hold on."

"What are you doing?"

The lock clicked and Aldric threw open the door and ran to his friend.

"Are you okay?" he asked, handing his friend a small piece of bread.

Randolf immediately snatched up the food and started to quickly eat.

"Careful," Aldric said. "Don't eat it too fast."

A look of guilt crossed Randolf's face. "Sorry," he mumbled. "I am just... just... so hungry."

"You are fine."

"Why are you here?"

"We are getting you out of here."

"What," Randolf said, his eyes going wide.

"You said that living somewhere far away would be better," Alderic said quickly. "If we get away we can do that. We can go as far away as we want. We can go to any kingdom that we want, we can do anything we want to."

Randolf was silent.

"Do you want that?"

Randolf was quiet for a moment longer before he finally responded. "Yes."

Randolf started to stand.

"Wait," Aldric said, louder than he meant to. "I have to go find someone else before we can leave. His name is Leif, he is an old friend of mine. I cannot leave him here."

Randolf stood up, "I am helping you."

Aldric smiled, relieved he would not have to search the entire dungeon on his own.


It seemed like they had searched the rows of cells for hours before they found Leif's cell. He was laying on his hay bed and staring at a rat on the floor.

"Leif," Aldric whispered as he started to pick the lock.

Leif did not respond.

They lock clicked and fell to the floor.

Leif leaped of the bed, faster than lightning and shoved the door open, knocking Randolf to the floor.

He shoved Aldric against the wall, choking him.

"Stop," Randolf yelled. "Get the f*ck off of him. He is here to help you."

Randolf tried to pry Leif's hands off of Aldric.

"Let go of him you asshole!" Randolf yelled, kicking Leif. "I told you to f*cking let go!"

Leif used a free hand to knock Randolf into the floor.

"Leif," Aldric rasped, "Please."

Leif's eyes, filled with anger, suddenly softened as he realized what he was doing, and who he was doing it to.

He let go of Aldric, and Aldric slid to the floor gasping.

Randolf rushed over to Aldric, "Are you okay?" he asked, worried.

Aldric nodded, massaging his neck, trying to erase the feeling of cold fingers from it.

"Why are you here?" Leif asked. "No one has bothered to come here since someone bit your brother."

"Not even my mother?" Aldric asked.


"It has been weeks," Aldric said. "Has no one fed you?"

"They gave us two weeks worth of rations before they all left," Leif said. "Most of us ate all of it as soon as it entered our cell doors, others knew that it was strange and saved theirs. Others gave it away, assuming it was poisoned."

Randolf looked down at his feet. "A woman gave me her's."

"Same here," Leif said. "When she begged for it back.... There was nothing to give her. She died."

A man nearby started screaming something incoherently and banging on his bars, then his voice became a chorus of voices and banging.

The doors to the dungeon were heard opening.


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