Chapter Fifteen

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The person who had made an attempt on her and Thaddeus’ life was an escaped prisoner of the monarch’s.

Eris had never personally met the guy, but it was clear he was once a prisoner, thanks to the numbers tattooed on his collarbone and his lack of a tongue.

It was clear that he wanted to kill her because of her relation with his captor, but it was unclear how he knew she was here, and how he managed to get into Evirome in the first place.

There was a deep sinking feeling in Eris’ heart. Did word spread? Had he scavenged all of Roterin for her? Had he found Aldric? Had he killed Hemlock? Are my brothers dead? Is the monarch dead?

It had taken three days for the pounding in Eris’ head to go away, and for the bruising and swelling of Thaddeus’ neck to go down.

Now they were here facing, for the first time, the man who had assaulted them. He was only a few years older than Aldric was. He was tall, lanky, and thin. He also looked like he was coming back from death’s door. He was no man, but a teen, a kid.

Eris hid her trembling hands behind her back, not wanting the teen to see her fear.

Eris did not know what to do with herself, and by all appearances, Thaddeus did not either. They had come down here for some kind of answer, to see who was under the hemet.

Thaddeus dug around his pockets, and managed to produce a small piece of paper and a piece of charcoal.

He handed it to the teen.

“Would you mind telling us your name? Or at least tell us where you came from?”

The teen stomped on the charcoal, grinding it into the floor.

“He came from Roterin,” Eris said quietly.

“Do you know him?”

“No, I have never seen him before,” Eris said, staring at the floor, “But the numbers on his collarbone show that he was a convict in my mother’s prison.”

“Do you have any idea what his crime was?”

Being a citizen of her country.

“The monarch told me nothing.”

I stand here and spin my web of deception. Thaddeus will eventually find out, and cast me aside, but until him, why worry him with the affairs of Roterin?


“Leif, Leif, Leif,” Randolf yelled as he ran towards him. “You will not believe what good news I have.”

“What is the news?” Leif asked, distracted.

“Aldric is going to come back,” Randolf said. “And his is going to be bringing Francesca and Robert, and Mrs. Payne too.”

Leif stood up abruptly. “No.”


“You better run straight back to Aldric and tell him he will not be bringing my family with him into exile.”

“I cannot,” Randolf said. “Aldric wants you to be with them, if I tell him that he will refuse to come.”

“That is his choice. I do not care if he comes back. Let him live his days out the castle if he wants. It was his choice to leave us in the first place.”

“He has to bring them.”

“If he comes, he comes alone. I will not force my family to live on the run.”

“What if they want to come?”

“They do not get a choice in the matter. Fran would never survive out here.”

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