Needlecock and Bae

Start from the beginning

"well then your gonna get a boner from me now because im adorable in these." i say taking his beanie and sunglasses off him and putting them on me. i start the car and drive towards a cafe near our school.we have casual converstation in the car as we reach our destination. we get ut the car with me still wearing jakes things.

"you can have them back you know" i say to jake as we walk towards the cafe."nah yo keep them you look cute in my things." he puts his hand around my shoulders.

guys im not third wheeling or im leaving" zack says messing around. i stick up my middle figure at him. we get into  the cafe and each order a coffe and me and zack getting a crossiant and jake getting an apple turn over.we go find some seats.we find a table with a chair and a couch kinda chair thing. me and Jake seat on the couch and Zack seats on the chair facing us. Jake seats right beside me and puts his arm back around me and I cuddle up to him leaning my head on his shoulder. The waiter comes over to us with our coffee and food."yum, do you want abit of this babe" i ask looking up at Jake. He nods and we trade bits of our pastreys. 

" so your ok now after everything that happened yesterday lola?2 zack asks as i down my coffee and scuffing my crossiant. i was so hungry. "hmmm what am yeah i am thanks." i say with my mouth full and cheeks red from embaressment. Jake laughs at me so i make a face at him.

once we finish our food and coffee we head to school ughh." guys what do you have first period." i ask heading into the driveway of school and hoping one of them was in my class.

"am i have maths first period i think" zack says getting his bag with  me and jake following him.

"i think i have higher level history what about you babe" jake ask getting my bag ut and insisting on carrying it to my locker. 

"aww I have French, I was hoping I'd be in one of your classes because its the first time coming back to school after my brek up with calum and lily leaving and having a big fight with cal and mikey and a whole load of drama." i said getting nervous of faceing cal and mikey like what if they ask me things and trying to speak to me about lily howwill i manage this with out Zack and Jake beside me.

"you'll be okay for 1st period because calums in my class and michael is in Zacks class ok dont worry, come on we can all walk to class together if that will help you" jack says reassuring me, i nod my head and go to Zack and Jakes lockers first becaue they were the closest nd both beside each other. handy or what like.they checked teir timetables and we realised that one of them ould always be in a class with me like what luck thank you god.

we head to my locker with Jake still holding  my bag, i insisted I would carry it to class but wouldn't have it and said he shall carry it till we part ways. my class was on the top floor, Zacks was one the second floor which the stairs leading there were right beside my locker so we bid goodbyes for now and me and Jake walked up to the third floor where his class was.

" I dont want to leave you alone in a class full of bitches/ whores and fuckboys." he said as we were saying bye."well unfortunatley its not your chocie you dork." I say taking my bag off him.

"Ill meet you at your locker after class so I csn walk you to your next class ok" awwww thats so nice of him.

"you don hve to do that you know im sure I'll be fine" I say playing with my fingers. he puts his finger on my chin and lift it so im looking into his eyes.

" I want to because I want to spend every second I can with you no matter how cheesey it sounds." he says giving me a kiss before going into class leaving me alone to walk to class. I make it up the stars to french which I hated with a passion. The teacher wasn't here yet so I took a seat at the back of the class and took out my phone to see both Jake and Zack had text me. Before I open any of them I decide to changes their names on my phone. I change Zack to neddlecock and Jake to my  big massive dork aka bae. once thats done i pen Jakes first

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