What if Rose and Kirika knew each other?

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This is what I think would happen if Rose existed in the same universe as Kirika.

Kirika would keep setting Shu and Rose up on dates. She would try to persuade Shu to confess his love to Rose.

Shu and Rose would keep their makeout sessions for when Kirika is asleep so that they won't corrupt her innocent mind.

One day, Rose and Shu fell asleep on the couch together, and Kirika sees them the next morning. She took pictures of them and showed the pictures to the Raging Bulls members.

The whole of the Raging Bulls started to ship Shu and Rose together and would giggle whenever they would see them holding hands.

Rose would adore Kirika and do stuff like brush her hair, style it, and dress her up in cute outfits. Kirika would think of Rose as her big sister.

Rose and Shu would never get to watch a movie alone, for Kirika would sit between them. Not to be rude, but because she enjoys spending time with both of them. They are both too polite to tell her to move.

Rose would give Kirika her old clothes when she outgrows them. Kirika would refer to her as her big sister.

Kirika once asked Shu if she was going to be Rose's maid of honour on their wedding. Shu fainted from shock when he heard that question.

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