Please, Just play along until he leaves. 🌈🏨

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TW: Domest!c abu$e, Mentions S@, Maybe OOC (I think that's it please let me know if there's more

Anthony's pov:

"Val-pant-Valentino Please! Stop!" I get hit to the ground again, "You're mine, remember?" He pulls out the contract I signed, God, I was so naive, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. "Get up you w***e!" I get up, but instead of walking towards Valentino I run, I run and I don't stop, I don't care where my legs are taking me, just anywhere away from him. "Angel!" I look at the voice, Husk! I run over and hug him, "What the f**k are you doing!?" I don't pull away. "Please, Just play along until he leaves" "what? Until who's gone? Angel what's going on!?" All of a sudden I hear valentino and I pull up the robe of my hood so he wont recognise me, I wait until he's left and I pull away from Husk. "Angel. Who the f**k was that!?" I start to tear up "Tha-That's Valentino, You can't give me back to him, please don't let him take me"

Husk's Pov:

What was he talking about? "Calm down Angel, I won't let him take you, now what's going on?" I'm still really confused about this whole thing "That's Valentino, He-He legally owns me, he's been sexually assaulting me for a while, Please don't let him near me!" He starts to breath fast "Hey, Hey, Hey, Its ok Angel, I won't let him anywhere near you, Now c'mon, Let's go back to the hotel and let Charlie and Cherry Bomb deal with him" I put my jacket over him and I hold out my hand and I wait for him to grab it, after a few seconds he hesitantly grabs my hand and we start to walk back to the hotel, every time he hears someone yell he flinches, What did he go through?

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a while but thats because I've had zero inspiration, so please give me some requests. Also, sorry if they're a bit OOC, I have to admit that I haven't had time to watch the new episodes yet, I'm just going off the tiktoks I've seen. Oh and by the way, does anyone else absolutely adore Lutes singing in the song "You didn't know" because I did.

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