Scene 16 | I Warn Those Who Comes

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"Huh? What do you mean Mr. Spencer's dead?" The ex-archon put down the crepe down as she gulped the food, the prickling sensation coming to her stomach. "You mean... someone assassinated him?"

"Seems so." Wanderer merely shrugged, eyes watching the Sumeru dancer and eremite dancer in the distance. "Apparently someone managed to infiltrate the confinement room and poison him when the gardes were planning to change shifts. When the interrogator came, they found him dead."

That wasn't what she wanted to hear first thing in the morning after she had been announced as 'not guilty' by the Iudex yesterday. After Sedene completely bandaged her wound, she still wore her wig and the ex-archon found herself in the hotel with her Sumeru friends flocking her with worried expression on their faces.

Seeing how uncomfortable she was, Wanderer had recommended that they should eat something outside, much to the relief of Furina.

The black haired felt her stomach groan in dissatisfaction as she winced. "...I don't think I would be able to finish breakfast because of that news."

"As you should." He snickered. "Saves me the trouble of looking at you since you look terrible when eating."


She looked at the person walking beside her. Light encapsulating her form. "Do I really look bad when I eat?"

The Champion Duelist momentarily looked at the two, then to the surroundings where people had walked cheerfully, the area completely occupied with visitors and Fontainians before her eyes went to Furina. "...I wasn't listening to the conversation since I was preoccupied with the people around us, my apologies."

From the ex-harbinger's smug expression, Furina grumbled. "Wait is the reason why you're with us is because Mr. Spencer's dead?"

"Ah, you were talking about the assassination? To answer your question, yes and no." Clorinde answered. "I'm here for personal reasons to check on you not because of Monsieur Neuvillette's orders. He had already deemed you not guilty and he doesn't have an inkling of your identity so you need not worry of any people from the Palais coming to question your identity."

The ex-archon sighed. "That's good to hear, thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, it's the least I could do for you." The indigo haired smiled before becoming silent, lost in her thought. "However, I am worried for the Chief of Justice..."

Furina's ears perked up and she looked at the indigo haired.

"What's... what do you mean?" Clorinde's whisper caught her attention and the Champion Duelist snapped her head in surprise, not expecting her silent musings to be heard by the ex-archon.

"Miss Furin-- Freia, I don't want to involve you to Fontaine's problems, you don't need to know if you don't want to." She urged shaking her head with a cross of her arms. "This will only trouble you and I don't want to bring burden to your visit in Fontaine than you already had from being wrongly accused."

Wanderer scoffed. "I think its too late for that, she'll ask even if you warn her and she won't stop until you tell her."

"Hey! You make it sound like I'm a pushover." Furina shook her head. "Clorinde I'm fine, I really want to know. Please tell me."

Clorinde hesitated, eyes narrowing in thought. Her eyes met with Furina's resolute face and she gave up. "As you may know now, the kidnappings are rather inconsistent with the varieties of victims, even random locations except for the time being at midnight. Despite the tight securities we still couldn't stop the kidnappings--" She cut herself off. "--except for you two and we are grateful for what you have done for us."

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