Scene 8 | Your Reflection In The Water

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When Furina stirred and her mismatched eyes opened, she felt herself floating in the air.

She was indeed 'floating' in a sense. Her hair was waved smoothly in translucent waters and small bubbles of air left from her mouth as she stared in amazement.

Underwater. She was underwater.

When she looked around, she found herself floating inside a simple room, filled with basic furniture different shades of blue. Some was floating in the water, some were upside down on the ceiling and some were twirling around. As if inspired, her arms and legs moved as she swam a little bit in the small space and rolled around freely with a giggle.

She had missed swimming in the water after leaving Fontaine.

It was then she saw that her cloak was gone and she was wearing the flamboyant clothes she once wore back in Fontaine in a way to show the Fontainians who was the Archon. The dark blue hat shaped into a crown was even on top of her white hair as it stay proud on top of her head, just as she who reigned once before. Arrogant, proud and haughty.

Her lips turned upside down, dark memories flashing into her mind.

No, she did not like that one bit.

As if hearing her thoughts, her clothes turned into bubbles surprising her. Sky blue shirt and dark short replaced her extravagant attire and the crown disappeared, replacing it into a small oceanid clip.

Just as she as about to comment about the strange yet breathtaking transformation was, a sob in the distance stopped her.

The room had darkened and mismatched eyes looked to the spotlight where she saw a crying figure in the distance. She was sitting down on the floor, her head hung low as long black hair cascaded down her waist, her back facing the ex-archon. Shoulders trembling slightly and the woman covered her mouth when her cries became louder.

Suddenly having the urge to help, Furina swam hurriedly to the person. She went beside the woman and touched her shoulders, the contact surprisingly solid and cold.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

The black haired sobbed as she shook her head, not looking at her. A beeping sound caught her attention and her gaze went to the woman's hand. A glowing rectangular object was held tightly between her fingers as unfamiliar words-- letters wove through it. And electrifying sensation went to her head and Furina felt something cold drape over her when she felt the unknown letters form words inside her head.

'Your relatives were probably the one who caused your parent's death. They also took your inheritance while you were still at the university. But unfortunately we don't have enough evidence yet to be able to make such claims and bring them to court. I'm sorry but we'll make sure to update you if we get more information from our contacts.'

The ex-archon couldn't avoid gulping, her hand turning in a ball with her nails scraping the surface of her palms. The anger began to stir inside her as she closed her eyes.

Furina had watched so many operas and court proceedings in the past that situations like this became a normality for her. There were some who cried tears of joy when they were able to prove that person as guilty ending the drama to a dramatic close.

However there were also some that Furina de Fontaine watched who manage to get away from it with no witnesses that could prove that they were guilty. It was disgusting and utterly deplorable When the villain thought no one was watching, he had smirked on the top defendants stage and the victims wallowed in defeat slamming their fist on the platform.

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