Scene 9 | Her Fate, My Answers

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"Let's start the tea party shall we?"

The two figures stood over in front of each other in the middle of the sea of stars remaining their eye contact in silence. The Dendro Archon was slightly bewildered and tensed while the other was smiling in amusement.

"Come now, Lady Nahida there's no need to be tensed." The black haired shattered the said silence, her starlight eyes twinkling in mirth. "I'm but a humble little soul in this realm of consciousness, I wouldn't be able to harm you even if I try."

She turned around walking back to her couch. Pale hand offering the opposite seat. "So why don't you take a seat?"

Nahida remained silent, feet taking small steps before she jumped to the couch and held her hands together on her lap. "Did you pull me away from that place because there's something you didn't want me to see?"

"Indeed." The golden cup jingled and the black haired took a small sip, her hands twitching when she did. "I didn't want you to see Furina's memories because they are extremely precious filled with wounds of the past. I wanted her to share it to you willingly and not in the way where you'll accidentally see it in her consciousness... I want her to experience the freedom to do whatever she likes. It's what she deserves after all."

She gestured to the cup in front of Nahida. "In the first place, you entered her consciousness because you wanted the see the cause of her visions right?" She put her hand to her chest.

"Well, here I am."

Petite hands stopped before she could touch the cup filled with green. Floral eyes looked sharply at the black haired.

"...who are you?"

"You know full well who I am, Lady Nahida." She replied. "Although if you're talking about who I was before, I'm afraid I can't give you a definite answer since that would destroy all the fun in not knowing, no?"

She emptied her crimson tea with a satisfied sigh before she tapped it with her golden fingernails refilling it again. "And you've said it once upon a time along the lines of, 'if you suddenly knew everything out of the blue, it would literally blow your mind'." She laughed at how the Dendro Archon almost let go of her tea in response to that.

"Yes I know what happened during the Sabzeruz festival with the Traveller and I know you have so many questions in your head. Of course I don't mind telling you every theory and concept for whatever is going on to answer your questions and-- well... That's not the type of person you are. From what I know, you would prefer it if you search for the answers yourself, am I correct?"

Nahida finally got her bearings as she tightened her clasped hands. "It's like you know me well." The Archon said slowly. "Almost too well."

The black haired grinned. "Well, just consider me as one of the million of stars from far away who once watched the future of what was supposed to happen in Teyvat back in the past." She waved her hand. "You can call me Spectator if you want, I rather not be referred as that one name that's probably going on your mind."

The God of Knowledge inhaled. "Then... Why are you giving these visions to Furina?" Nahida asked. "If you want to give her the freedom to choose what she wants to do in life, then... Isn't it wrong for you to shackle her with visions of the past that is not hers?"

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