Scene 5 | What Does Your Heart Say?

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"I must say it is a pleasant surprise to finally meet the archon of Fontaine in the flesh." Red crossed eyes flickered in amusement as the fourth Harbinger of the Fatui carefully took the tea and sipped. "And here I thought Fontaine would be condemned to be flooded without the archon to rescue us."

Focalors smiled as she put down her own cup. "Thank you for the compliment Lord Harbinger. However I may be the archon, but I would not have been able to save Fontaine were it not for the contributions of all Fontainians working together."

Her fingers trailed the lips of the cup, slowly and carefully as her droplet eyes stared intensely at the Harbinger. "Like you for example. If it weren't for your immediate actions and contributions during the flood, then the casualty would have become far more severe."

A small laughter slipped out of the harbinger. "You flatter me. I only did what I had to do to protect my homeland, I'm sure the children and the House of the Hearth would agree as well." Arlecchino replied her eyes flickered to the empty sit beside her.

"By the way, you did not bring the Iudex today."

The deity followed Arlecchino's gaze before answering. "There is no need to disturb the Chief of Justice for a meeting such as this." Focalors tilted her head.

"I hope you aren't offended with the lack of guests in our tea party. Neuvillette is currently busy dealing with the aftermath of the prophecy and the reason why you and I are here today-- regardless of myself having much to do, is because there are things that both you and I need to discuss."

"Oh?" The harbinger asked. "And that is?"

"Simply put, the Gnosis."

Arlecchino gently put down the tea cup with a clack. She hummed in thought as her fingers lightly tapped on the table, her smile disappeared from her face. "Getting straight to business, are we?"

The hydro archon chuckled. "Relax, we are mainly here for tea after all. You were planning on requesting an audience with me in the first place, were you not? I thought that I might as well invite you first to lessen the trouble you would need to go through."

The harbinger hummed again. "Then we should make the best of this opportunity. Thank you for preparing for this tea party, it must have been arduous for you. Especially the amount of Maison Gardiennage officers guarding outside. I feel rather, protected by their presence."

"It is no trouble, Lord Harbinger. I have to make sure that important guests such as yourself be properly accommodated and guarded in the Palais Memornia." Focalors replied with a smile, although it didn't reach her eyes.

"Because I have to ensure that there won't be another assassination attempt going around the Court of Fontaine."

A deafening silence entered the room and the Harbinger's tapping on the table froze. Crossed pupils met with droplet irises as the deity merely smiled innocently. "Oh, I do not mean the time where you tried to take the gnosis from Furina, goodness no. There has been countless of assassinations that occurred in the past and one even tried to jump off the building. I, as the God of Justice, have to ensure that it won't happen again."

"I see." Arlecchino leaned back arms crossed and her voice became low. "Then... I thank you as a citizen of Fontaine for being prudent at times like this."

"But of course. It is my duty after all." The hydro archon looked down at the tea that was already cold. Then to the Knave who was silently watching her like a hawk. It only made Focalors smile deviously, a dangerous glint playing in her eyes as she spoke.

"Let's start the tea party, shall we?"


Furina sat in front of the camp fire with a relaxed expression. A tired sigh escaped her as she stretched her arms with a satisfied groan. Her head leaned back and raindrop irises mirrored the countless of stars above.

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